Leander Lenzing

Leander Lenzing

CEO & Designer in Hamburg, Germany, He/Him


Designer & CEO of Studio Lenzing. Lover of coffee, minimalism, interior design & black metal


Studio Lenzing



Creating the world’s most intuitive anti-money laundering app, designed to effectively serve a global audience


Our design team aimed to create an immersive digital stage for The Raum Objects. To achieve this, we provided creative direction, designed and developed the website, and crafted compelling copy and a design language that effectively showcases the beauty and functionality of the brand's sculptural furniture collection.


A brief introduction to Studio Lenzing


Pleo’s design team faced the challenge of having an icon set with isolated collections, visual disunity & redundancies spanning across products. We worked with Pleo to create an extensive icon system that truly expresses its vibrant and quirky character, able to scale over time.


Syte felt it was time to bring the power of artificial intelligence to the industry. We helped Syte create a tool in which real estate development and potential analysis are designed to be sustainable, efficient, and beautiful.

Fernand – Customer support tool

We have been working closely with Sparkasse – broadening their app portfolio by brushing up and extending existing apps and building a new app from scratch.


Daimler and BMW have decided to join forces to unify all mobility options within one single mobility service. In 2018 and 2019 we helped ReachNow build a mobility platform that will scale as their business and operations do.

Side Projects


Grod is a place for like-minded people, passionate about design, gadgets & home supply. Curated everyday essentials, long-lasting and with minimal aesthetics, far from fast fashion and trends.

With this project, we aim to recommend the best possible products for a sustainable and minimal lifestyle. Hand-picked objects for living, office spaces or to wear.


Creating an app that was as minimalist and calm as possible, we put focus on the content: Wando avoids being overloaded and puts focus on the purpose and heart of the app: the task.


A collaborative project between Minimalissimo and Studio Lenzing: a minimal icon set that includes over 100 icon designs for the most popular apps and a set of custom wallpapers.



Every day, we're bombarded by gadgets that we need to use in order to complete basic tasks. But what if we could interact with our environment in a natural way, using smart devices that are seamlessly integrated into our surroundings?


Creating Technology that Enhances, rather than Hinders, our Health and Happiness.


Design critiques are an important part of the design process, as they provide a platform for designers to share their work and receive constructive feedback from their peers.


For us, it is crucial to continuously develop the studio and the way we operate at Studio Lenzing, for example by elaborating our culture and our communication - internally and externally.


At Studio Lenzing we live and stand for good and honest design. Design that takes responsibility and makes a difference. Design that that serves a purpose whilst looking quite neat.


This year had us adapt to quite some challenges and also turned out to be the one where we would dive deeper and take a look at the core values that define us and the work that we do.


365 plus a few days later, blown away by everything we have learned so far. It has been a fun, diverse and challenging year. A year that has taught us a lot about ourselves.


Work Experience

2018 — Now
Hamburg, Germany

Studio Lenzing is an interactive design studio focused on crafting better experiences for brands and for people.

From day one, we’ve been committed to making Studio Lenzing a place where people can feel at ease, broaden their horizon and make the best out of their working time. We do it by putting people at the center of all our doing.

2016 — 2018
2015 — 2016
2013 — 2016
Hamburg, Germany
2012 — 2013


