Laura Pei

Laura Pei

EECS & Design @ Berkeley


Hello! I'm Laura, a human bean trying to learn and grow as much as possible 🌱
Currently exploring and floundering as an EE&CS student @ UC Berkeley 🐣



Work Experience

2023 — Now
New York, NY

Delivering production features for a drag-and-drop UI product that our customers use to develop their own internal apps in React and TypeScript.

2022 — 2022
Sunnyvale, CA

Summer 2022

Designing and building a web-based visualization tool for on-call engineers on the 5G team to efficiently operate and debug dynamically changing networks.

Working with DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and API Gateway to write queries in Java, TypeScript, and Kotlin. The web application is created using React.

2021 — 2022
Berkeley, CA

Taught weekly sections as well as office hours to advance the course material for CS 61A, which is a course with ~1500 students each semester that covers Python, Object Oriented Programming, and Scheme.

Graded and proctored exams, and monitored assignments for academic integrity.

2021 — 2021
Los Angeles, CA

Summer 2021

Created a multiplayer 3D Virtual Reality application using Unity that demonstrates our product’s tactile experience through virtual interactions with a chess board.

Developed an Amazon Alexa Skill to trigger actions in our Unity application through voice commands.


2022 — Now
Berkeley, CA

Facilitating UC Berkeley’s premiere hackathon with about 2,000 total attendees every year, communicating with organizations and executing ideas.

Currently building the live website for hackers using HTML/CSS/JS and AWS, and designing merchandise and assets in line with our brand identity.

2022 — Now
Berkeley, CA

Developing and maintaining our organization’s website and leading informative web development workshops for 60+ club members.

Built a night safety app for Berkeley students that sends alerts to friends: […]

2020 — Now
Berkeley, CA

Publicity Officer | Jan 2022 - Present
Leading efforts in outreach, designing a cohesive brand identity, creating marketing posts & graphics, managing various social media accounts.

Operations Officer | Jan 2021 - Dec 2021
Spearheaded and implemented changes to our website, and created a workflow management tool to streamline internal finances.



Web application where users can play an altered version of Anagrams, based off the GamePigeon game.

In this version, players can customize the number of letters to work with, and use a keyboard to input letter variations. The application was made using Flask, Python, HTML/CSS/Javascript.



iOS App built to bring you and your friends closer together.

React Native was used to launch ReachOut as an iOS app, keeping in mind the convenience of messaging on a phone. Firebase was used to provide data storage and real-time updates as well as user-authentication. Figma was used to mock up ideas, explore our vision, and complete the design of our product.

🏆 Won Overall First Place at HackTech 2022 (CalTech’s Annual Hackathon)


Web application for building and ingraining habits.

Organized and led a hackathon team to collaborate on this motivational to-do web application made using Flask, Firebase, HTML/CSS/JS. The app uses user authentication and supports tracking tasks, filtering them by time, and customizing an adorable toast mascot. I designed and prototyped the app in Sketch, then illustrated and animated assets in Procreate.

🏆 Won Best Design at HackDavis 2021 (out of 148 projects)


2020 — Now
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA

B.S. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Berkeley Certificate in Design Innovation

2016 — 2020
Arcadia High School
Arcadia, CA

High School Diploma