I believe in the beauty and diversity of the world. Everything I do is to enjoy every bit of it. In doing so, I choose to live a simple and intentional life. I love the work and colleagues I work with, I consume only the things I need, live without clutter and burden from the past. Then contribute to society in a useful way.
My name is David Adi Nugroho and I am a self-taught Software Engineer.
I am part of the core team at PropertiLord. I was there from the start, building the backend using PHP/Laravel and maintaining its cloud infrastructure on AWS/AliCloud. Also helping them achieved ISO 27001:2013 certification as lead engineer.
Work Experience
This is a software house company. I joined in Talenavi divison as a Project Manager, leading software engineer team (4-5 people) to build multiple software using agile methodology. I also meet with client, handling the feedback and addressing their need.
But in some cases, i still code for BackEnd mainly using PHP/Laravel.
Working on multiple projects with my colleagues:
- Startup: propertilord.co.id
- Internal Software: Property Management System, Landlord Management, Sales & Accounting
Tech stack i worked on: AWS/AliCloud, MYSQL, PHP/Laravel, Blade/TailwindCSS, JS/NextJS
6 mo. Internship, 1+ yr. Network Engineer
- Maintain and config network infrastructure (mostly MikroTik)
- Develop internal reporting software (Native PHP)
4 years vocational high school programme.
3 years studying, 1 year intership.