Finished setting up my profile!
I enjoy crafting experiences to solve overlooked problems.
I noticed all the films I really enjoyed had "critical acclaim" words mentioned in their Wikipedia article. So I wrote a Python script to search the entire Wikipedia for all articles with such words. I ended up with over 1,000 films, from 75 countries, across 19 genres, dating back to 1910. Then I made this website to display and filter them.
Reimagining writing experience in Markdown that everyone can enjoy - No installer, no editor toolbar, no split-pane, no sweats on huge document.
I was so fed up with my Moto G 2016 getting choked by articles to the point I was hell-bent to building this. This Firefox-only extension strips all the crusts and present you the content alone.
Work Experience
And thus began doing programming full-time. I thought I would enjoy it since I found myself so immersed in it working on my hobby projects. But if I'm totally honest here, I hate it full-time. Being totally sold on the tech startup culture, values and narratives helped me got through for the large part of this period. But I/we didn't change the world to a better place. The world is in a state worse than ever and will continue to be. Also, it's super draining on me to do it full-time while caring so much. "Doing what you love and you won't have to work anymore" is a layers of lies and caveats if we are being honest. Now I'm a indie hacker and a everyday average guy while trying to ride this pointless job as long as I can cuz it gives me so much energy and time left for myself.
I got laid off from my nanotech job in 2013. Found my passion in web dev. Self-taught for 1 year at home by building passion projects. No bootcamp, no mentors. Making baby steps by googling to no ends alone. Then had a identity crisis and depression for not having a job and stuff other people seem to got going for them...So I got this QA job while continue learning so, so many was rough as much as i enjoyed building out my ideas. And yea this job sucks.
My first job out of graduation in UK! It's a nanotech job, setting up machines and process in factories to coat water-repellent capability on major mobile phones like Motorola and Nokia. Best job I have ever had! Lots of travels, zero expense, living in Marriott hotels, alcohol, clubbing. I was living it up! The night shifts in dystopian factories that never sleep really sucked though.