ye boi
I'm product designer with over 4 years of experience, working in ecommerce, crowdfunding, and real estate. Well-versed in all aspects of the product design process—from conducting user research to creating design specifications and prototypes—and a proactive member in product teams, always looking to get ahead of user problems and improve processes.
Work Experience
Designer on the tech team at rennie, a Vancouver-based real estate company.
Elevate and expand an existing design system: establishing best design practices in the process, building accessibility into the product and modernizing the frontend of rennie.
Leading design on the US expansion project: updating the visual language and user experience of, as rennie expands into the US market.
Responsible for all things design at Kickbooster, a crowdfunding SAAS company. Streamlined design processes, improved collaboration, and enhanced Kickbooster's visual identity while ensuring a user-centric approach throughout all design projects.
- Led design for Kickbooster’s Pledge Manager, a custom checkout that crowdfunders use to generate up to +50% revenue for their campaigns and simplify the post-campaign process.
- Developed Kickbooster’s design system, Uppercut, leading to quicker design and product processes, and a more consistent experience across the Kickbooster platform.
- Conducted regular user research to gain invaluable user insights, which: directly informed design decisions and guided the product roadmap.
- Revamped the company brand, opting for a more modern look and feel, improving brand image, awareness, and presence. The revamp included a whole website redesign and setting up of a marketing design system.
Design lead at HotSpot, a mobile parking app.
- Designed new features and explored new designs for the primary parking app.
- Developed improvements to secondary officer app.
- Created impactful informational and promotional graphics for both web and print media, adhering to design guidelines.
- Responsible for overseeing the print job of thousands of labels, a crucial element in the user experience of the app.
Side Projects
A little playground to practice my React and frontend skills, utilizing the PokeAPI.
The app simply displays 6 Pokemon, as is the max party size. You can choose your own Pokemon (or randomize it) and view more stats about each Pokemon in the party.
A little collection of prototypes I made for funsies.
Rethinking the booking flow for my climbing gym:
A visual prototype of WCAG SC 1.4.8:
Little micro interactions I designed and prototyped for fun, probably using Figma.
A few takeaways from my first job as a product designer.
A tracking template for your job hunt, featured in the Notion template gallery.
A six-month intensive program covering various topics across digital media, UI/UX design, and web/app development. Program consisted of many hands-on projects, instructed with industry standards in mind.
Core courses established a foundation in programming, and understanding of computing. Electives in human-computer interaction, social sciences, and various subjects of media arts.