Jack of no trades, Mx of kalokohan.
Media and software art / digital accessibility person.
Walang Hiya is a zine distro project that focuses on zines from Filipina/o/x creators from the homeland and the diaspora at large.
A living document where we find out, source, verify, and then verify again what we call our foods across Asia as diaspora.
A text-based game and webzine built on Twine and co-developed with Czyka Tumaliuan to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the declaration of martial law in the Philippines.
Side Projects
My webzine for a WAN (Wide Area Network) Party held asynchronously over the course of a week with friends! Based on a David Shrigley postcard print with excerpts from John Cage’s Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse).
Study material and reference for all things Digital Accessibility.
Passages from my Lolo’s memoirs on defending Bataan during the second World War.
Generative Markov speeches from D30’s State of the Nation addresses during his term as president.
A crash course in semantic HTML as foundation for good, accessible code as a form of care.
Workshop co-facilitated with fellow P2P resident Nami Kim on hand-crafting a digital community garden for the C/O Digital Festival in December.
Workshop co-facilitated with Czyka Tumaliuan as Kwago on using Twine as a tool for activism, nonlinear storytelling, and guerilla publishing.
Talk on how to address problematic language and terminologies in technology and scholarly journals.
Zine collaboration with Keet Geniza on queer identity and culture while growing up in all-girl Catholic schools in the Philippines.
Zine collaboration with Amy Zhou exploring and decolonising the Asian body as both metaphorical and literal machines.