I'm a frontend engineer with a solid design background. Passionate about building beautiful interfaces with a human-centered approach and curious about new technologies.
Work Experience
• Focused on designing and developing a data-driven investing platform to help the team find potential investment opportunities.
• Responsible for the Frontend, built from ground up the new version of the app, maintaining and implementing new features.
• Also built a companion Chrome extension of the app.
Stack: React, Javascript, ES6, GraphQL, Webpack, Babel, Jest, React Testing Library, CSS-in-JS (Stitches), Git.
• Coding, design, strategy and consulting
Stack: Javascript, React, Redux, Hooks, Webpack, Babel, Gatsby, Styled Components, D3.js, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Jest, Enzyme.
I had several roles in the company as an entrepreneur:
• Manage a small team of 3-4 people
• Create, present and negotiate client proposals
• Develop concepts and project proposals
• Present projects to clients
• Select and negotiate with contractors
• Production and implementation guidelines and monitoring to ensure quality and specifications of the project
On a mission to unite 100.000 women in tech to discuss things that matter!
As a member of the WomenTech Network, I get to learn about diversity & inclusion, develop my leadership skills and expand my network.
Side Projects
Google for emoji. Find emojis instantly using keywords like love, food, hello, etc.
Stack: React, Hooks, Gatsby, Styled Components, Prettier.