Building software at UnitedHealthcare. Climbing mountains on the side.
Work Experience
Responsible for web design and development at one of Orlando's fastest growing Managed Services Providers.
Astro, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Strapi, React, and TypeScript
Performed numerous roles spanning purchasing/receiving, quoting, technical writing, service design, inventory management, and project management.
Refreshed the ProSource website with an updated aesthetic and new tech stack. Migrated content collections to Strapi, a headless content management system, and migrated the front-end to Next.js 13 with the new app router implementation.
Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Radix UI, React, Strapi, Cloudflare Images, Netlify
Automagically insert soft hyphens into your Markdown content using Frank Liang's algorithm that's baked into TeX.
GitHub Packages allow you to store up to 500 MB of NPM packages privately, for free.
Runts are a small but annoying typographic pet peeve of mine — luckily, we can fix them.
A Vite plugin that makes `font-display: swap` actually viable.
Technical Communication Track · 3.9/4.0 Major GPA