Work Experience
Designed and implemented a customizable peer assessment tool based on stakeholder feedback, streamlining data input and improving user experience for instructors.
UI, UX, and Front-end development using ReactJS for the Daily Smirk, a high-frequency peer assessment application under Professor Andre Van Der Hoek & Yu Lu, Department of Informatics at UCI.
Analyzed user flow and created entity-relationship diagrams to streamline data input and improve interface usability.
Deployed to 300+ students in capstone-project classes and other courses, facilitating high-frequency peer assessments and real-time feedback.
Led over fifty campus tours and guest check-in shifts, delivering exceptional guest service.
Engaged in student outreach at panels, events, and college fairs to promote UC Irvine.
Streamlined operations by automating and aggregating over 1,000 quarterly calls using Google Sheets and Python to analyze shift data.
Side Projects
Created with Hugo, deployed on Netlify. Version control with Git, including the use submodules for theme and posts. Custom implementation of redirecting pages with HTML. Theme by panr.
Redesigned UCI's student enrollment system, in a brand-consistent and student-focused way.
Team Untitled used Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Latent Semantic Analysis to improve user search over a provided dataset.
A game that calls on the Spotify and MusixMatch API to quiz you on your top songs and their lyrics.
A modern-day counterpart to the growing issue of mass incarceration within the United States, electronic monitoring is seen as a viable alternative to the confinement of an individual within a usual jail or prison cell.
Originally imagined in the sixties to keep track of juvenile delinquents, the deployment of ankle monitors with electronic monitoring has become more prevalent within the system of mass incarceration in the United States.
Case Study for Environmental Injustice, taught by Kim Fortun at the University of California, Irvine.
Case Study for Environmental Injustice, taught by Kim Fortun at the University of California, Irvine.
Case Study for Environmental Injustice, taught by Kim Fortun at the University of California, Irvine.
Volunteer Poll Worker for the 2020 General Election & California's 2021 Gubernatorial Recall Election.