Exploring polished interfaces
Thoughts on paper, but not really on paper
Side Projects
Dieter Rams' Ten Principles of Good Design
Class Variance Authority
Shorthand utils for Stitches
Share your favourite recipes with your favourite people
Beautiful image placeholders, without the hassle
A tiny Next.js helper for loading Google Fonts fast and asynchronously
Beautifully boring cosmetic-free primitives for structure and layout
In 2017, I took a month off and went on an adventure
Work Experience
Founded "Big Attic"; a consultancy that helps organisations drive design systems and foster collaborative communities around them.
All of my contract-based work runs through here.
Established and lead a cross-disciplinary "working group" for Vercel's design system; Geist ¹
During my time at Vercel, I played a key role in enabling support for Geist across the entire estate (for the very first time), and introduced a plethora of much-needed improvements to developer experience.
Owned Monograph's design system "Plan". Plan was created prior to my arrival, but in my time I made many performance, design and developer-experience improvements.
Notable milestones include the implementation of a new dark/light color scale, and an <AutoLayout />¹ component that matched the behaviour of Figma.
Lead all things front-end; from laying foundations to enhancing UI flows.
Highlights include; introducing a new Stitches.js-based design system, migrating the entire front-end to TypeScript and Vite (with PNPM), as well as introducing React.js hooks
Development lead on a project for one of Azumio's top-rated apps; an onboarding journey built in React.js with TypeScript and Next.js.
Established and lead Yolo Group's design system, now known as moon.io.
Supported initial implementation on Sportsbet.io and Bitcasino.io.
Brought in to advise and consult on the introduction of a potential corporation-wide design system
Brought in to consult and create a brand new scalable, performant React.js platform for ladbible.com, pretty52.com and sportbible.com.
During this time I focussed on building developer culture, and leading on Front End component architecture; with a CSS-in-JS strategy to unify design, web and mobile development.
Lead work on sky.com/toolkit; working closely with the design team to provide a single source of truth for Sky's UI.
Outside of my day-to-day role, I maintained Sky's CSS Style Guide ¹
Awarded to the student in the 3rd year of a programme of study leading to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in New Media who either achieves the highest mark in an individual project or has the highest individual contribution to a group project.
Shortlisted for my short film "Moments", a motion graphics piece incorporating images from the British Library's open source Flickr archive