Joanna Lu

Joanna Lu

Senior Product Designer, She/Her


I’m a product designer with 10+ years of experience in B2C/B2B SaaS. I focus on UX/UI, design processes that scale, and building a strong team culture.

I'm currently a senior product designer at Zapier. Previously, I was head of product at Venngage. I led the product vision, strategy, and managed the product and graphic design teams.

Work Experience

2023 — Now

Zapier is on a mission to make automation work for everyone.

2015 — 2022


Graphic Designer
2015 - 2016

I started my journey as a junior graphic designer shortly after graduating with a Bachelors in Design at OCAD University.

A few milestones as a graphic designer at Venngage:

  • Google IO timeline infographic (Featured in Business Insider and Yahoo)
  • Hogwarts Guide to Company Culture Infographic
  • Hero’s Journey Infographic (Featured in AdWeek)
  • Game of Thrones: Visualization of every betrayal on the show (Featured in Huffington Post and Wall Street Journal)
  • Contributing to the first versions of Venngage’s templates

Product Designer
2016 - 2018
At the time, the role of product designer was fairly new to me but I had an interest in user research and UX practices and decided to transition to product.

Projects I launched as a product designer:

  • First version of Venngage’s recommendations and onboarding
  • Templates page redesign
  • First version of pricing experiments and conversion flow optimization
  • First version of alignment
  • Icons & Illustrations
  • First version of brand palettes and branded templates

Product Design Lead
2016 - 2018
As the company grew to 50 employees, I took the leap to a leadership role, managing the entire product and graphic design department.

Initiatives I supported as a product design lead:

  • First version of the UX checklist
  • Implemented design sprint and design jam processes
  • Template scaling
  • Training the company on critical user flows and conversion flows
  • Supported several features including branded templates, presentations launch, diverse icon feature, smart widgets, pricing page improvements and more

Director of Product
2021 - 2022
After the product and design team matured, I transitioned into a Director of Product role. I’m a big advocate for “working backwards” practices, which led my team and I to develop Venngage’s short and long-term product vision.

Initiatives I supported as a Director of Product:

  • Vision for the platform and core features which includes the editor, templates page, and content management areas
  • Mapping out strategic areas for revenue growth which includes team upgrade opportunities, business features, and enterprise features
  • Market and Competitor research
  • Visualizing high level UX and UI for key areas in the product


2010 — 2015
Bachelor of Design at OCAD University


2022 — Now

