Our team at Built by Field were engaged by the University of Calgary to help communicate the opportunity to potential donors and Calgary’s business community.
Supporting a culture of innovation, UCeed is a series of investment funds spun out of the University of Calgary’s long history as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. Backed by philanthropic organizations and individuals, UCeed’s funds give innovative startups and inventors access to capital, equipment, and advisement.
Shaping the story
We outlined the journey that people take to learn about UCeed when working directly in conversation with an advocate. Through consultation we divided that into sections and chapters to fit into a narrative online. We then used this to guide content and design.

A refined brand
The UCeed brand was new and only marginally defined with a colour palette, some illustrations, and a requirement for hexagons, like a honeycomb.
We needed to establish consistency and knew that text should always use the University of Calgary’s two primary typefaces: Proxima Nova and Museo Slab. We wanted to use as few text styles as possible, so to we predefined those upfront based on a modular scale.