Jacob Bijani

Jacob Bijani

Creative Technologist in Brooklyn, NY


3 years ago

Work Experience

1986 — Now
Brooklyn, NY

My home for consulting and self directed projects.

Updates on projects in various states of completion here: log.bijani.com

2024 — Now
Brooklyn, NY

We make fake people that use your real product.

2016 — 2020
Co-founder, CTO at Thinko
Brooklyn, NY

An interactive animation, engineering, and design agency I cofounded.

Our client list included: Tumblr, SalesForce, Tiny Capital, Here be Dragons, Hodinkee, Passion Pit, Francis & The Lights, Reggie Watts, Impending, Vice, Scripps Networks, and Shape Matrix.

2015 — 2015
New York, NY

I helped design the initial version of the Beme app. We pioneered many features, which later found their way into the top social media apps.

2014 — 2015
New York, NY

A Computer Made for Art. It was designed to fade into the background, like a photograph or painting.

I was responsible for the software that powered the backend, which hosted the artwork and controlled what was displayed on the screen.

2008 — 2013
New York, NY

Tumblr’s first designer, creative director, and product engineer.

I was responsible for a multitude of features, including the dashboard wireframes and color palettes still in use.

I joined as the 5th employee, and when I quit there were over 300 employees.

I initially focused on static designs, began building them myself, and over time transitioned fully to product engineering.

Side Projects


Photos of chickens, taken by chickens. Featuring special guests.

The system consists of a Canon 7D, a speed flash, a Raspberry Pi, and an ultrasonic motion trigger.

Whenever a chicken passes in front of the motion sensor, the Pi snaps a photo on the camera, which in turn fires the speed flash. Once the photo is taken, the Pi downloads the photo from the camera’s SD card and uploads it to our website. The photo is then tweeted and potentially minted as an NFT.

Everything is protected in waterproof housing and uses custom designed PCBs for power and signal routing between the components. It uses the gphoto2 library to interact with the camera, and CircuitPython for the firmware on the Pi.


A blind, silent, sealed auction built on Ethereum. I wrote a custom contract and backend to facilitate the auction mechanics.


A realtime multiplayer game where you collaborate to put out simulated forest fires. Designed in collaboration with synthesis.com, an online school designed to teach kids age 7 to 15 using custom games.

I designed the gameplay, and built a custom Javascript rendering engine and Node & Go based backend.


it was an online resume generator.... 🤔


A piece of paper in the cloud. It grew to millions of notes, but got overrun with spam so I shut it down.


A site to save your favorite links, you made it your homepage. I wrote the original version of the site when I was 15, re-wrote it a handful of times, and maintained the final incarnation of it for about 15 years.



A combination of custom hardware and software which facilitated real-time character animation. It worked like a digital sock puppet.

I designed and built all the hardware and firmware, as well as the abundance of software used to puppet the realtime animations.


A quick and silly idea that ended up getting a ton of press, and our Stripe account disabled.


A custom built browser-based, realtime, multi-player drawing engine we built for fun. I wrote the drawing engine and the realtime backend.

It briefly went viral, resulting in a lot of wildly inappropriate drawings.



Peaked at #2 on HN. Always fun to read the comments there.


What happens when a country coop moonlights as an experiment in photography?


Allan Yu and Jacob Bijani's NFT project is a testament to binding design and art concordantly; and their blind and silent auction mechanisms are blueprints for more diverse functionalities