The ⭐️ only ⭐️ graphic designer in Los Angeles. Curiously creating branding, websites, flyers, video, copywriting, and other goods for cultural and commercial clients and causes since 2021.
We love Friday the 13th. For the first in 2023, we hosted a multi-media group art show curated by Dewey Bryan Saunders and Christopher Details. The show was a tongue-in-cheek love letter to Los Angeles and featured some of the most talented artists from around the globe.
Tropical Depression was filled with a diverse array of artwork that spanned various mediums. From paintings and sculptures to photographs and installations, the exhibition showcased the many different ways that artists can express their love for the craft.
Work Experience
Select Partners: Hinge, Beyond Meat, Human Rights Campaign, DoorDash, Blueland, Ecosia, RALLY