Staff web application engineer: front-end, back-end, full-stack, database, platform, digital transformation, system design, coaching
Work Experience
Production readiness (lead): Led the launch preparations and roll-out for all major web application systems: analytics, forecasting, event-planning. Optimized Postgres user-defined functions and row-level security. Implemented observability and performance monitoring from browser to database.
Interim Head of Engineering (4 mos): Led the company's first ISO 27001 audit. Led data-center migration to support EU-based customers. Member of hiring team for Head of Engineering.
Engineering Strategy (lead): I composed the company's first engineering strategy documentation. Aligning with company values, the document describes how our team values autonomy, the desire to learn, and eventual correctness. We celebrate and take advantage of our diverse skill-sets and viewpoints. We endeavor to meet users where they are.
Key technologies: TypeScript · Postgres · React · Next.js · NestJS · Drizzle · D3 · UnoCSS · AWS · CDK
Fractional staff engineer: digital transformation, system design, coaching, web application development, platform engineering
Key technologies: TypeScript, React, Remix, Astro, Redis, Tailwind, Cloudflare, Fastly Compute@Edge
Full-stack, full-lifecycle holistic software engineering to help solve the climate crisis.
- Gardening Week (lead): a once-per-quarter opportunity for self-directed work to pay down technical debt and prorotype new technologies and features.
- Request for Comments (lead): a process and working group to evaluate technological choices. Example topics: CDN providers, geolocation API, Docker, centralized secrets store, feature flags.
- Digital transformation, CDN (principal engineer): identified selection criteria; evaluated vendors; led prototypes and negotiations. Edge caching reduced page-load time, decreased bounce rate, increased revenue. Edge compute enabled the ecommerce engineering team to safely migrate users to a new mobile experience.
- Engineering career ladder (major contributor): Created Everlane's first formal career ladder. Defined key technical-, communication-, emotional-intelligence-, and leadership skills for each engineering level. Used the ladder to promote equity and inclusion; guided two reports to promotions within the first year.
Key technologies: React, Next.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind, Ruby, Rails, HTTP, Cloudflare, Builder.io, Airtable, Terraform
- RBAC (team lead): improved customer security and enabled sales to larger enterprise customers.
- TLS management (team lead): built a self-service TLS certificate management system. Enabled more customers to easily secure their traffic; reduced sales-engineering time to configure large accounts.
- Design System (principal engineer): established a UI component library shared by all Fastly products, whether Ember-based or not.
- UX team (founder, team lead): onboarded and coached a team of junior developers, some of whom were in their first software-engineering role. One-on-one and group training in agile development, Ember.js, and systems engineering.
- Digital transformation, UI (team lead): Migrated the primary Fastly UI from Backbone to Ember.js while adding testing, monitoring, and usability and design enhancements. Enabled faster, more confident customer onboarding.
Key technologies: Ember.js, Ruby, Rails, SCSS, SVG, VCL, HTTP
- App Market (principal engineer): Enabled the community to extend the capabilities of the Zendesk platform and integrate it with other services, expanding the reach of the product without commensurate development and maintenance costs.
- Front-End Operations Team (founding member): Architected and built a framework for dozens of engineers across many teams to build and deliver code that runs together in the same browser process. Improved performance and reliability of HTTP delivery and browser JavaScript.
- New Zendesk (major contributor): A redesigned experience targeted for high-volume customer support teams
with Ember.js. Significant contributions to customer research, prototyping, development, and maintenance.
Key technologies: Ember.js, Ruby, Rails, MySQL, jQuery, SCSS, HTTP
Working with Napa neighbors to reduce speed and improve the safety on our residential streets.
empathy, ux, front-end, performance, universal design
ux, process, how groups think, metacognition, meditation
Ember.js, modules, addons, collaboration, Conway's Law
Ruby on Rails, Rails Engines, SOA, monolith, Conway's Law