🖥️ TypeScript with ⛱️ thi.ng/umbrella
🕺 Staying alive functional w/ immutable data
Se vuoi parlo 🇮🇹🙏
Personal computing configuration based on the nixOS
Work Experience
Working mainly in the automotive sector (@BMW / @Daimler) plus some other. Did a lot of data work and it's related infrastructure. For example:
- Self driving car training/simulation @BMW
- Cloud data metadata visualization
- Multiple admin panels in ReactJS, ThreeJS and Python
- Custom tooling to the max! Bash aficionado
Pretty standard **WordPress n' Magento** job. This job was good start into WebDev, learning about design systems, etc.
It was also the time when flexbox was the new kid on the block and I was pushing it real good:)
For two consecutive years I was teaching programming in my university part time.
tldr. Started with a marketing attitude ended up being a programmer.
Through the studies I got into frontend dev early on and progressed along. In 2015 i got hooked on ReactJS and continued working with it.
- Knowledge Discovery
- Data Exploration
- Data Mining (clustering, classification, frequent pattern mining, outliner mining)
- Graph Mining
- Data Streams