Ilhan Ates

Ilhan Ates

Software Engineer in Munich, Germany


Computer science student and part time developer mostly working on things around the block game (Minecraft).

Work Experience

2021 — 2023

Piki Studios is a Minecraft partner studio working on Minecraft EDU projects as well as content for the Minecraft marketplace.

I was part of the Lore team building a Minecraft-partnered Official Featured Server. I mostly worked on the network and DevOps side of things, but since it's a quite small developer team I tried to help out on other parts as well.



I am part of the small team working on Piki Studios' upcoming Official Featured Server in partnership with Mojang and Microsoft: Lore!

I use Kubernetes, Docker, Redis, MongoDB, various AWS services and NATS and build microservices and DevOps, as well as load balancing to build a game that can handle thousands of concurrent players.


A Minecraft server built with PocketMine-MP.

I am not only the single developer here but also a manager of all sorts of things. My roles here include planning our upcoming server and games, managing artists and of course doing the coding.

Using languages like Go, PHP, SQL and Typescript; technologies like MariaDB, MongoDB, and Redis.

Currently working on the next season of this project using Dragonfly ( and Go.


A Minecraft server using PocketMine-MP (

I am part of the developer team of 3 here, but there have been times where I had to do customer support as well due to the tiny scale of this project.

We built the server using PHP with PocketMine. On top of PocketMine we used MariaDB as well as Redis, but I worked on DevOps for the CI/CD runs too. We also wrote a REST API in Go for an internal API with our Discord bot.

Currently working on a new Minecraft server using Dragonfly (, a new server software in Go.

Side Projects


A tool to bulk edit the date/time information of images, because I set the date of my camera wrong once.


Show what you're listening to on TIDAL on your Discord status.

This is a project built with terrible hacks and I am quite proud of it!


I made a bot that mirrors post from Reddit's r/aww to Instagram every hour.

It died in the fight Instagram was (understandably) taking against bots, and I never got to fixing it.

2018 — 2023

Istanbul Erkek Lisesi (Istanbul [Boys'] High School) is one of the oldest and internationally renowned high schools of Turkey. The school is considered elite among Turkish public high schools and is the highest ranked high school in the country.

The school practices a hybrid education model with the science classes in German and following the German curriculum. Germany recognizes the school as a Deutsche Auslandsschule.


Deutsches Sprachdiplom I from Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA)

DSD I is equivalent to the B1 level in German (CEFR).

