for simple, head-first building
Work Experience
Design & development on our patient-provider platform in Unity + C# → React + TypeScript.
Development on CV training workflow in AWS + Python: rapid iteration, motion capture, and distributed training jobs.
Life Insurance & IT
Development on pub/sub with AWS EventBridge for real-time processing for distributed systems.
Built auto-recovery feature for throttling & network failure from the API with AWS SQS + CloudWatch.
Life Insurance & IT
Migration for Contract Management infra → AWS.
Built API with Lambda + Gateway + IBM ODM integration to optimize screening performance for high server workloads.
Design and development on academic counseling platform with Next.js-- initial onboarding, automatic calendar updates, and in-app matching of users <> advisors.
Built web-based internal monitoring service with Node.js + Redis to support real-time sessions with active users.
Design and development on drag-drop comparison feature for apartments with React + MongoDB.
Learning micro-app about C++ pointers, animated & interactive for students.
React, TypeScript, Netlify
Assess the validity of political texts from popular news sources.
"Best Overall Hack" among 150+ teams at LAHacks 2022.
TensorFlow, Keras, Flask, Docker, JavaScript
Report sexual assault cases to matching network, empowering victims.
React Native, TensorFlow, Firebase, Docker, Flask
Side Projects
An item catalog/tracker for Terraria ("zenith-world").
Quantify the level of anthromorphism of an image.
Spread awareness on inequality & modern-day human trafficking.