Mohammad Daffa

Mohammad Daffa

Software/Web Developer in Indonesia, He/Him

A software engineer or web developer with a background in Petroleum Engineering that has lots of experience developing and maintaining apps from scratch while also paying attention to things like web performance, SEO, marketing, and design.

I am more of a T-Shaped developer who specializes in Front End Engineering and cross-discipline competencies in Backend development and also serverless architecture.

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Full Stack Software Engineer at Paystone
Canada (Remote)
2020 — Now

Building and Maintaining Invitree’s web application. Handling all the technical aspects, including the frontend, backend, deployment/DevOps, analytics, and even the mockups design. I also pay attention to things like web performance, SEO, and design.

Tech stacks backend: Typescript & Node.js, Firebase Function, Firestore, Github Action for CI/CD

Tech stacks frontend: Nuxtjs + Vuetify, Reactjs + Chakra-UI, Vercel

Other tools: Figma for Design, Google Analytics for analytics, Github for version control

2020 — 2023
  • Developing web apps for the Singapore government using Microfrontend with Vue.js
  • Developing the Backend side of a product using AWS Serverless with nodejs
  • Developing the Frontend side of a product using Microfrontend with Vue.js
  • Maintain the code quality of a product by conducting unit tests using Jest and End to End tests using cypress
  • Researching new and upcoming features that will be implemented within the product
  • Collaborating with other devs, BA, PM, PO, and other team members in an agile environment
2019 — 2020
Software Engineer Trainee (Mentee) at Alterra Academy
  • Deliver products on tight deadlines while maintaining the quality of the product
  • Primarily working with Python + SQL for the Backend and React + MaterialUI for the Frontend
2019 — 2019
Thesis Intern at Pusat Sumber Daya Mineral Batubara dan Panas Bumi
Bandung, Indonesia

Working on my thesis about Natural State Modelling of Geothermal Reservoir (Jaboi, Sumani, Atadai) and Reserve Estimation using Distributed Parameter Approach



Just my personal website

Ongoing is a Web-app that focuses on creating a digital invitation ecosystem for Indonesian.


Tukulsa is an online Chatbot that can automatically respond to users' chats and requests in order to make a purchase of a prepaid voucher for all cellular operators within Indonesia using LINE as the media. Suspended on August 2020, because I was too broke to pay the AWS EC2 instance


3rd Winner of Smart Competition at IPEXC ITB

3rd Winner of Smart Competition (Oil & Gas) at IPEXC ITB 2017 Bandung, Indonesia

3rd Winner of Smart Competition at Derrick

3rd Winner of Smart Competition (Oil & Gas) at Derrick 2017 Cepu, Indonesia

Silver Medal for Category Mathematics Olympiad at KSM from Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia

Silver Medal for Category Mathematics Olympiad (Representative of DKI Jakarta) at KSM 2014 in Makassar, Indonesia


2015 — 2019
Bachelor of Applied Science at STEM Akamigas

Majoring in Geothermal / Petroleum Engineering with GPA : 3.56/4.00

Side Projects

Livechat Dataset Analyzer

Collecting data from youtube LiveChat and saving it to the firestore database is also integrated with a telegram for the notification. Personally use to scrape youtube LiveChat from Dota 2 Indonesia Broadcasters. Later those data can be used to determine average viewers' behavior in LiveChat using sentimental analysis.


Bot Marzi (stands for Grammar Nazi) is a Twitter bot that can detect grammar failure and reply it with a correct grammar by using memes

