Looking for something serious 🧡
Hi, I’m Gustav — a designer. My goal is to delight people through meaningful digital and physical products that are a joy to experience and bring pride to their makers.
As a teen I taught myself how to fix my WordPress blog and had my first paid gig at 15. The website was terrible, but I fell in love with building interfaces for the open web.
Horizon is an interactive system designed to provide a more natural car-driver interaction by employing human intuitions to control the infotainment system in cars. It enables contextual interactions and helps drivers focus on primary driving tasks while keeping their eyes on the road. Horizon simplifies the interactions, reducing cognitive burden and clutter of controls within the car system. It allows users to optimise the time in the car and makes it a meaningful experience.
This project was awarded a UX Design Award nomination, read more.

Transfer is an online magazine on vocational and educational training (VET), founded by the Swiss government, available in German, French and Italian. I was responsible for the UX Design of the site as well as its implementation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. The page was built on a custom WordPress theme that I made from scratch, and even wrote a few plugins to enhance the functionality.

Thoughtfully designed to hold and protect, this sophisticated storage staple makes smart use of the space under The Bed. The Underbed Storage Bin is understated, sculptural in form, and generous in size. Sturdy lid and textured bottom panel make for easy sliding and quick access. Crafted from recycled PET felt.

Side Projects
The NUX Institute was founded in 2023 at Politecnico di Milano with the goal of investigating what makes interactions and user experiences natural. It's a home for case studies on naturalness, as well as scientific publications that bridge the gap between design subjectivity and proof.

I'm tutoring students to bring *naturalness* into their designs. For the second year, I'm joining the Final Design Studio course of Digital and Interaction Design as a teaching assistant to bring students an industrial perspective and help them plan their projects. I started doing this in the fall of 2020, and it brings me great joy.

Work Experience
Making complex data-structures understandable at a glance, designing both for experts and novice users.
Implementing my own designs in code.
Researching *naturalness* in user experience in cars, forming the NUX Institute, focussing on the automotive sector.
Tutoring students to bring *naturalness* into their designs.
Concept, development and launch of *The Storage*, an underbed bin made from recycled felt optimised for sliding.
Taking *The Dresser* from modular wardrobe concept to reality.
Working with municipal energy suppliers in designing an interactive map to make sustainable network load choices.
Managing and planning user tests, building the design system.