M. Hibatillah Hasanin

M. Hibatillah Hasanin

Developing in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Looking for collaborations to make various innovative web designs.

A year ago


I am a 3rd year student majoring in Information Systems with 2+ years of experience in Front end development and UI/UX design. Participate in various events and competitions in the fields of UI/UX and Business Planning.

I have a track record in creating various web system development projects in accordance with required business processes, as well as developing business plan reports that suit user needs.

Develop various skills especially in terms of web development and UI design, as well as understanding user needs well so that I can create some innovations that can be useful for many people.

Work Experience

2024 — Now
Front End Developer Internship at BPPK Kementerian Keuangan
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
  • Develop systems according to business need, with participated in Design Sprint events with stakeholders to design the required business process

  • Create a website mockup design based on the needs of relevant stakeholders

  • Develop a system website according to the features needed in the business flow by focusing on creating relevant user interfaces based on mockup designs

    Internship at BPPK Kemenkeu RI from MSIB 6 Internship Program


2021 — Now
Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • 1st Runner Up in 2023 GenBI Business Plan Competition by GenBI Riau
  • 2nd Runner Up in 2023 LIKMI #2 by Yogyakarta University
  • 2nd Runner Up in 2023 PIKMI by Bina Sarana Informatika University
  • Finalist in 2022 Sumatera Accounting Competition by Faculty of Economics and Business, Riau University
  • Participated in the National Movement of 1000 Startup Digital program by 1000startupdigital
  • Participated in several UIUX Designs competitions

Working on various group projects related to the fields of Business Management, Project Management, Data Processing and Programming which produce web system output and report documentation for each project created.

2018 — 2021
Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Participated in the City level of National Science Olympiad in Biology 2018 & 2019
  • Participated in the Leaf Type Recognition Program at the Forestry Faculty in Lancang Kuning University
  • Participated in Archery extracurriculars and competitions
  • Take a part in Student Council Management



Created a web system to manage the supply chain between Indogrosir and its partners, redesigned the Indogrosir website to be more attractive and user-friendly

  • Allows partners to order the products they need from Indogrosir

  • Allows partners to manage their own products and set minimum limits for each product

  • Admins manage partners and products in their respective branches, and manage orders from partners

  • Provided information related to Indogrosir, which is promos, news, history, business products, and branch locations


Android application project using kotlin with reference to 15th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), preserving Life on Land.

Allows users to view disaster reports in various regions including details of disaster locations., date of occurrence, causes, number of fatalities, and other information. Users can make reports regarding disasters that occur.


An application for working out from home including trainer consultations, with development in the form of relevant UI designs according to the features and user needs.

Working to meet community needs and market opportunities with Design Thinking concept by creating Business Planning Reports in the health and fitness sector, by providing fitness exercise program services, consultations with trainers, living a healthy life with recommendations for healthy nutritious menus, community access to share various activities in healthy living with designing a user interface followed user feedback while still prioritizing healthy living goals.

Participated in various events with the following achievements

  • 1st Runner Up in 2023 GenBI Business Plan Competition by GenBI Riau

  • 2nd Runner Up in 2023 LIKMI #2 by Yogyakarta University

  • 2nd Runner Up in 2023 PIKMI by Bina Sarana Informatika University

  • Finalist in 2022 Sumatera Accounting Competition by Faculty of Economics and Business, Riau University.

  • Participated in the National Movement of 1000 Startup Digital program by 1000startupdigital.

  • Streamlined and optimized supply chain processes across manufacturers, suppliers, and consumers
  • Identify historical sales data in the last 3 years to forecast sales that will occur in the next 6 months
  • Representing historical data in the form of a data visualization dashboard to get various interesting points from the data
  • Develop and design a web supply chain system with Reactjs, Expressjs and Tailwindcss, to monitor production needs and meet customer needs
  • Communicate appropriately and think critically in developing systems to achieve a good supply chain process
  • Applies the concept of Deep Learning and Image Processing with python programming to identify the images and classify them based on color.
  • Created training data from dataset that will be used as a comparison to the input data
  • Designing websites related to explanations of deep learning and image processing as well as inputting images for identification



Bussiness Plan Competition from Generasi Baru Indonesia Riau (GenBi Riau) Bank Indonesia Riau


Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Innovation Competition #2 2023 in the Start-up Technology Business category from Yogyakarta State University


Indonesian Student Innovation & Creativity Exhibition 2023 in the Entrepreneurship category from BSI University


2023 — 2026

Including web introduction, HTML, CSS, Javascript, responsive layout using flexbox and create a website with this technology


Understanding of css responsive design concept


Includes understanding on

  • Positioning and layout concepts such as flex and grid
  • Cascading and inheritance
  • Selector and box models

