Bruno Guerra

Bruno Guerra

Software Engineer in Porto Alegre, Brazil, He/him

Are Spring Beans magic beans?

2 years ago


Hey, how's it going? I'm Bruno, a bachelor's degree holder in Software Engineering and a full-stack developer with a focus on backend development. I have knowledge and experience in technologies such as Java, Spring/Spring Boot, C#, JavaScript/TypeScript, and DevOps activities. I enjoy suggesting technical and process improvements and participating in different areas. I'm not afraid to explore new fields and challenges!

I began my journey in the software development world during high school, as part of the Internet Computing Technician course. It was then that I realized my passion and fascination for this field. I got exposure to technologies like PHP, SQL, and JavaScript, as well as concepts like OOP and functional programming.

With that, I continued my journey by pursuing a bachelor's degree. I graduated from the Software Engineering program at PUCRS and had the pleasure of meeting great friends and partners in the field! That's when I got exposed to a wider range of technologies and concepts. It was also during this time that I started my professional career.

I always seek new challenges and strive to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in software development. I value good communication and camaraderie within the teams I have been a part of and currently work with 😊

Currently, I work as a Software Analyst at Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado.

Work Experience

2021 — Now
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Worked with the usage of Ethereum-based blockchain integrated with Web3 compliant services built with JavaScript and Java + Spring Boot for financial services

Usage of Angular for frontend development and MongoDB for persistence.

Worked on DevOps tasks with Kubernetes and GitLab pipelines for build, test, and deployment.

Currently working with Spring Boot, and Oracle SQL database for a project regarding integration for bank payments. Performing DevOps tasks while also helping with frontend development using Angular.

2019 — 2019
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Worked as an intern backend developer using PHP + Laravel with SQL database.


2018 — 2021
2015 — 2017
Bento Gonçalves, Brazil

Web Developer course integrated with High School, with a focus on learning web devlopment using PHP, HTML + CSS and SQL databases.


Freelance developer

Worked as a freelance developer, using Java with Spring Boot, C# and React.


These projects were done as a part of the Software Engineering degree, being developed for external customers or internal demands from students or other university personnel. Used various technologies, such as Java, JavaScript, React, Firebase, and PostgreSQL.


Disponibilização de Cursos EaD para Programador Web a partir da Abordagem de Cursos Privados e Centrada ao Aluno at Computer On The Beach 2016
Florioanópolis, SC - Brazil
O que tem para fazer? Aplicativo para dispositivos móveis IFRS - BG MOODLE at IV SICIT
Santa Maria, RS - Brazil

