Guitao Liu

Guitao Liu



M.Eng. student at uOttawa. Software developer intern at Entrust.

Work Experience


Certified Cloud Practitioner from AWS


  • Developed a Multi-communication protocol integrated energy dispatching desktop application with Electron, React, and Chakra-UI, and built CI/CD with GitHub Actions.
  • Designed deconstructed multi-layer application architecture, specified inter-layer data transfer standards, and wrapped
    communication protocol interfaces in the field of energy devices with FFI and vanilla JS.
  • Implement other features such as dark mode, persistent storage, preference settings, etc.
  • Implemented autopilot, automatic obstacle avoidance, and Bluetooth controlling using OpenCV and Python on the Raspberry Pi 3 platform.
  • Provided real-time vehicle control and vehicle video camera streaming on a web page.
  • Standardized the development with Black, Flake8, isort via pre-commit.
Large Scale User Profiling System
  • Constructed backend applications using Flask to provide backend API services for a system of visualization on millions of user records
  • Implemented endpoints follow RESTful requirements and provided standard test cases. Maintained API documents.
  • Established and maintained MySQL database with a scalable data structure. Developed with SQLAlchemy for ORM
    support. Deployed a Docker-based Elasticsearch server and performed a full-text search on the dataset.
2017 — 2021
Xi'an, China
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.96/4.3, 91.35/100, Graduation Project Grade: A+
  • Awards: Honorary Graduate of Qian Xuesen College, Panasonic Education Fund Scholarship, First Prize of Social Practice Activity of the Honors Engineering Program, Excellent Student for 3 Consecutive Years, 3 rd Class Scholarship