I like to make interfaces for hardware, software, wonder, and humans
Ran the UX team that designed and researched Android versions 6.0-12.0 from one to three billion users and Pixel 1-6
We always wanted Chrome to be an OS, so we started designing and building that too. Now it outsells Macbooks.
When I heard we were thinking about making a browser, I sent a daily barrage of mockups and ideas to everyone involved, until they gave in and let me be the designer, from then through to one billion users
Side Projects
Designed and manufactured a bluetooth ring to enable robust button pressing during hand-tracked input for flight simulators. Also useful for remote-controlling video chats.
drank a beer or two
thought of a cool domain name
browser haiku tool
Realtime tram departure times for your nearest Melbourne tramstops
The fastest possible group finder for Destiny 2
Factorio and TIS-100 together at last
Mapping bay area flights in 3D. Also see 2D version: twitter.com/gmurphy/status…
Trying to make the best-feeling USB volume control knob possible by designing around the AS5601 magnetic sensor; also an excuse to learn about PCB design
Made the smallest FrSky RC controller with the best possible gimbals
A game for the Arduboy
Designed a 1.9g frame and 0.4g camera mount to create a 25g FPV quadcopter for minimal noise in park flying
Route links events and commands on your network-aware devices; it's how you connect the things on the internet of things together and control them
My first use of Google's "20% time". Along with Erik Arvidsson and Emil Eklund, I spent a few days making this open source polyfill to allow web developers to use Canvas on Internet Explorer by emulating it using VML. It ended up becoming enormously popular, though now that modern versions of Internet Explorer support canvas natively, it's no-longer needed.
One of the first and most successful mods for Doom 3 - added flashlights to the game
I was convinced AR would be the future, so wanted to prototype it. I'm still waiting.
Nano Floor exposes its viewers to the behaviour of buckyballs, single football-ball shaped molecules. Like children running through pigeons, participants can disrupt clouds of super-sized projected buckyballs in this simulation, created in conjunction with the nanoscientists at UCLA
Fluid Bodies is a generative and interactive full-room artwork developed in collaboration with Victoria Vesna and Jim Gimzewski of UCLA. It ties together computer vision and fluid simulations to show a reflection of the future hidden worlds of nanotechnology.
Exhibited a generative artwork entitled "Bezekric"
I and friends have learned many things, and have been writing them down. Wanna help?
Work Experience
Lead the design of Chrome and Chrome OS from their inceptions; later ran the software UX teams for Android 6-12 and Pixels 1-6
Wore a suit all day,
solved large B2B problems,
office above pub.
A small company,
client work and hairy men,
drank Pepsi non-stop.
Forced to make a choice,
designer or programmer,
market crashed first week.