A player-coach who brings clarity to complex product design and user experience strategy challenges. An active voice in the UX community, engaging in conversations through DolansNewsletter.com, teaching, workshop engagements and global speaking.
Agile Chapter Lead, Interaction Design for RBC onboarding initiatives. Driving customer acquisition through six epics in an agile environment.
Founded the Customer and User Experience discipline team and Usability practice at IG Wealth Management, recruiting and hiring 20+ team members; completed 10+ product launches and 125+ usability tests.
Core Pitch Team member responsible for a comprehensive UX strategy and associated $9 million implementations, including the framework for 10 bilingual websites, for a leading North American energy infrastructure company.
Founded the MacLaren McCann Canada Customer and User Experience discipline, hiring, directing, and mentoring 11 UX Researchers and Experience Architects, achieving an 81% billable capacity.