I'm a developer and a designer enthusiast who loves to build software with dreamy people and polishing interfaces. I'm driven by a passion for building delightful and smooth user experiences.
Work Experience
I worked on the development of a global platform that enables large brands and businesses to create B2B e-commerces in an extremely fast and efficient way. Through the Storefront and BFF architecture, I worked daily using TypeScript, React, Astro and NodeJS as the main technologies. Developing our own Design System, we used Tailwind and SCSS and technologies such as Vitest to ensure broad test coverage and VTEX.
New features for the storefront and Admin screens. Creation of an entire CMS from scratch to deployment. Creation of Design System components, new features for SDK and own State Pilot.
Working with the Astro core, React screens and components, and maintenance in Vue.
Experience in ecommerce. Maintenance and creation of online stores focused on B2B.
Improvements to the internal Design System and increased coverage of automated tests.
Creation of the new website as a fundamental part of the rebranding process.
Design of the new blog, with emphasis on performance, accessibility and good Core Web Vitals metrics, Directus CMS and SEO optimization, from scratch to deployment on GCP and AWS.
Worked directly with the marketing team, creating inbound solutions and paid traffic campaigns.
Participation in the creation of e-commerces, blogs, business and personal systems, applications, landing pages and deployments (AWS, Vercel, Netlifty, GCP).
Accessibility resources for PcD, such as keyboard and audio access (a11y), internationalization (i18n), v-libras (for the deaf) and search engine optimization (SEO).
- Quick stint at the Brazilian Army cadet academy in early 2023
Design and development of a robust business application for managing and selling health plans, which was accessed both to manage the company and to purchase and change health plans. Increased sales by over 100%.
Complete technological renovation of the company, since there was a legacy system from the 90s, and a new WEB system was created, which allowed digital visibility and good market positioning compared to other companies in the sector, using the most modern technologies on the market and the best programming practices, for better maintainability.
Design and development of an application to manage the flow of products in a mechatronics laboratory, using React, Typescript and Laravel.
Input and output control is done by reading a QR Code, manually pasted on the products, which automatically populates the system and a Google spreadsheet in real time.
Google Cloud Platform and Google Sheets API.
Side Projects
Application in python whose main functionality is, from a single input of data via keyboard on any subject, to create a video about it and publish it on youtube automatically and in less than 1 minute, using the artificial intelligence of IBM, ffmpeg and the Google and Wikipedia APIs.

Create a crypto of our college CEFET
My poems in Portuguese
(English coming soon 🔜)