Felix Fong
Software Engineer in Markham, He/Him
Side Projects
It is an EPUB file storage, browser, and reader for users who love reading online.
This is a Java application used to process 2 infrastructure datasets (Profile of Housing by Dissemination Area 2016 Census and Profile of Housing by Dissemination Area 2016 Census) from Open Markham Database. There are 5 tools the user can choose from to display the data in a useful and interactive manner.
An application that allows users to filter, browse and get recommended a list of many anime using the Jikan API. While browsing, the user customizes their list while the program caters its recommendations to the user's preferred genre.
Work Experience
Assisted the product manager to consult, organize and refurbish computers for individual customers and corporations. I also collaborated with supervisors to organize shipments and deliveries.
Cooperated in a team of 7 to create the company’s informational website used towards marketing their educational program for elementary school students on Computer Science through the language ELM. As a Web Developer, my goal is to make the website accessible to a wider audience and to refine the development process.
• Developed the schedule page for Deltahacks, fetching from google calendar’s ics url for real-time hackathon events
essential to 1000+ participants.
• Designed the landing page with React and Tailwind, leveraging ViteJS and Typescript for streamlined
• Formulated advanced data structures and algorithms learning material in anticipation for the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).
• Directed live coding problems with concise explanations.
• Hosted an Intel sponsored competition with $150 in prize money and 35 participants.