iOS, Android, Web | UX, Business | 2014
Before I joined GitfTalk, the team has no clear direction but our team have a strong vision of something about gift will be success.
Challenge #1 - Something Is Missing
Our team already have a product called "贴贴明信片" which means "Stick Postcard." It allows the user to select a virtual postcard that can add their voice and then send it to others. However, no core persona or any UX design work had done. Under this, I made it my mission to fill in these details. I tried to:
Define the new UX fundamentals of how the gift works between people from cyberspace to the real world.
Help our team build a successful business.
I worked with my partner to start to develop a persona workflow.
I talk with our potential core users to do user research.
I created the missing personas using data from the previous project and the research.
The Challenge #2 - Find The Path
Quickly, we find QR code which can be stick on gifts to bring voice and other information online may be a good idea. Most importantly, this idea works great with our persona, cause it's such a different way to gift.
The Principles
Our team wants the UX design is much "Clear" and "Quick". So we decided on two important principles:
similar to Apple's design,
MVP first.
QR code sticker by GiftTalk
Three Ways
Not too long, I finished the UX design of the first version. I design three standalone goal-oriented workflows for a gift guide, gift shop, and scanning QR code to attach image and voice.
From the existing research, I think the first 10k users will mostly using Android, and the time not allowed us to design for 2 different system. So I decided to use the sidebar to navigate.
We think a tool only will not be a successful business quickly, so we design the main page to be a place to offer users reading stories about gifts should I gift to others.
Tips of Thanks
Chinese people are so shameful to express feelings. It's better to send a gift with what you feel so that we design a tips project to show what users cloud say in some cases.
After we release v1.0, the marketing team starts an activity in Weibo called "Ten Thousand Postcards with GiftTalk" and get a great success.
The Challenge #3 - The Next Stage
When the product grows up fast, I can have more research about what our users need.
I helped our team create the core persona; then I find the most valuable user story is:
As a girl, I want to choose a beautiful and different gift for my boyfriend.
Under this, I designed the new version.
Under the operation data, we remove the gift shop and keep QR code scanning the same as the older version. In other words, we all-in gift guide.
iOS users increase faster; I decided to change sidebar to tab bar.
Reduce the size of the guide cover because I found that the quality of the cover is not so good usually.
Add the classification system by whom you want to send a gift to or which kind of gift you want to send.
Classification System
During the use of research, we always to heard like "send to my boy/girlfriend" and "he/she like yummy food" inspired me to design a classification system. Luckily, it also one of the solutions to the user story above.
After all, this project ended in 2014. As my first job, I design the logic and interaction under hardly studying. Everyone on the team helped me to be a better designer. I always have the most grateful.