Folake Knudsen

Folake Knudsen

Product Designer in Copenhagen, Denmark, She/Her


I'm a product designer with a background in human-computer interaction who spends a lot of time building apps for household smart things.



Work Experience

2021 — Now
2018 — 2021

Responsible for building experiences across the Bang & Olufsen app, and shaping the way people use speakers and televisions in their everyday lives. Conduct and evaluate user testing and insights.

2017 — 2017

Collaborated on the UX team in an agile environment to build the ideal experience for users. Evolved brand guidelines to improve the design of the BMW Connected mobile application. Translated wireframes into prototypes and high-fidelity mockups for iOS devices.

2017 — 2017

Produced image assets for web, email and social media channels. Ideated and developed visual designs for the Brad’s Deals website. Collaborated with other visual designers, UX designers, and front-end developers to concept and develop designs for the web.

2015 — 2016
UI Designer at The Dow Chemical Company
Midland, MI

Served as the sole designer of the Information Research department within R&D to execute high fidelity mockups from Balsamiq wireframes to be implemented by departments across Dow. Developed web application pages using Durandal, KnockoutJS, RequireJS and JayData.


Peakon mobile app at Workday
Beoremote One at Bang & Olufsen
Beosound Edge at Bang & Olufsen