Felix Saaro

Felix Saaro

Software Developer in Switzerland

Currently studying for exams.

3 years ago


I'm a debater, software developer, and brewer who is interested in technology & food.

Side Projects


Let your friends know when and where you are about to drink your favorite beverage and invite them to join you. In a busy world where no one has time to meet we help you connect with your friends again.


MDTeX allows to write math formulas using TeX inside Markdown and preview them using the Visual Studio Code Markdown previewer.


A calculator for logic expressions and a tool to turn truth tables into logic expressions.


A realtime tracking dashboard to visualize geo locations using firebase and GeoJSON.


A tracking dashboard to visualize geo locations of trucks in Nigeria. This was part of the LafargeHolcim challenge at HackZurich 2020.


A platform where farmers can show the products their farm produces and sells. Users can order products which then will be reserved for them to be picked up.
The goal was to let people know which farm is selling which products and to encourage them to go to the farms to get these products.


A tool to evaluate the mood of faces recognised by one or more cameras continuously in real time.

Work Experience

2019 — Now

As a freelancer I worked on multiple POCs for mobile (ReactNative) and web applications (React/NodeJS). I’m
also consulting businesses that work in the industry on using JavaScript frameworks for frontend development.

2019 — Now
Uzwil, Switzerland

I was hired by Buhler Group AG through Bluematic AG. There I am responsible for developing process
automations within the Azure DevOps platform. I’m also working in a team to unify frontend components in an
angular library.

2019 — 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

My responsibilities included developing API’s using PHP (Symfony 4) and MySQL. During this time, I was
mentoring two interns. The biggest challenge at that time was building an App in React Native and a Front-end
for a large e-commerce site. I was also responsible for various DevOps tasks such as building CI and CD

2018 — 2019
Amsterdam, The Netherland

The main responsible was front-end development. One of my biggest achievements there was to implement a
new development stack (React, Redux, SASS, Webpack) and educating my coworkers on it.

2017 — 2017
Wil, Switzerland

Responsible for the development of a tool that allowed our customers to migrate data from different ERP
interfaces into the web-based platform, the company was developing at that time, without the need for a
redeployment. This allowed us to save a lot of hours spent by developers building new interfaces and
deploying the application on customer environments.

2013 — 2017
Wil, Switzerland

During my apprenticeship I was part of a SCRUM team with members in Poland and Switzerland. Together we
worked on a web-based platform for after sales services that is used by industrial customers. My
responsibilities included the mobile optimization of the platform, implementing new workflows and building
small data processing tools.


2019 — 2020
2013 — 2017
St. Gallen, Switzerland

