Eloka Agu

Eloka Agu

Creative & Industrial Designer in London


Industrial Designer & Software Engineer



**AGU is a lifestyle and technology company that focuses on the design and manufacture of one piece, one material 3D printed sneakers. Addressing the issue of sustainability and aesthetics in the design of everyday products, the sneakers are 100% recyclable, breathable, machine washable, and odour resistant.**

Memento - NFC Touchpoints at Satellite

Everyday Monuments For The Cultural Traveller.

Find simplicity in the every day with technology enabled Mementos spread across the city. Offering a platform for a community of storytellers to congregate and share their experiences in the local history of a destination, turn the moment into a memento.

Ginomai - Learning Through Play at Satellite

In November and December 2023, I executed a project that would blend physical and digital worlds for children’s education. In an era in which design education is becoming increasingly unaccessible, I created a system of learning through play.

Structured in a workshop format to help children between the ages of 8 and 10 learn how to model from the human hand, scan using an interface, manipulate using a modelling tool and print their own toys, the process was as follows.


In December 2023 and January 2024, Satellite embarked on and completed a project in association with Studio Frith and the Royal College of Art, to re-imagine and relaunch the branding and website for the Black Alumni Association.

The project entailed collaborating with graphic designers across a range of skillsets, and producing a fully functional and interactive website that reflected the nature of their organisation.

Torch - Dementia Device at Satellite

Torch is an intelligent companion that helps people with early stage dementia prevent public wandering and always find home. Crafted to evolve with the user as the condition changes, Torch offers a source of comfort, confidence and compassion.

Pearl - VR Game at Satellite

Pearl is a community driven VR experience

We wanted to create a community driven VR experience that incentivises people to train artificial intelligent models to identify waste and generate unique digital art which players can purchase and display.

Each transaction earns money for ocean cleanup organisations near where the waste was found. This new digital ocean economy empowers communities to engage purposefully with one of the largest environmental challenges our oceans face.

MiGlove - Voice Controlled Robotics at Satellite

In 2022, I created a robotic arm that was able to communicate in sign language for those who are hard of hearing. This project entailed the use of microprocessors, servo motors, CAD design and machine learning to create a train a model that would enable the device to recognise and respond to the sound of voices.


Discover new music, like never before

Keakie is a streaming platform for mixes, podcasts and radio shows. It’s a new way of doing things.

We got tired of skipping through playlists, so we created a destination for top quality music put together by a global community of DJs and storytellers.

Our platform includes familiar favourites alongside cutting-edge sounds equals true discovery. We offer the most diverse range of genres, represent the underrepresented and elevate sounds that need to be heard.

Our expert curators hand pick the very best of their scene. The more you listen, the better Keakie understands your tastes - so you’ll never run out of music you’ll love.

Enjoy the best that global music has to offer, whether that’s a specific sound, local scene or your familiar favourites.

Keakie - Physical at Keakie

Further to the digital aspects of the Keakie project, I also led the physical space development and creation of a creative space for artists. This entailed the design and manufacture of bespoke pieces including a sneaker wall and concrete DJ booth as key marketing and experience assets for clients and guests.



Young designers should be designing with a sustainable outlook, not only out of a sense of morality, but also out of a sense of modernity. Out of a sense of excitement, because that is where the innovation, the activity and the energy is. And because it enables producers to serve people, and not just the planet, better.


In a new vision for the UK. One based on including and encouraging all of the cultural groups within it, we can create a narrative around manufacturing. A narrative around production. A narrative around making and selling, that has until now been swept under the rug. A nation of producers. A nation of contributors. A nation of cultures..


Outstanding Young Personality in the UK from English Speaking Union



Founded by Eloka Agu, Keakie went live in May and managed to attract over 400,000 listeners in less than a month. The team behind the platform includes a high-profile ex-Spotify employee and a NASA scientist, as well as an external network of DJs, record collectors and archivists, all curating an eclectic range of mixes, podcasts, and radio shows.

Work Experience

2023 — Now

Creative Studio focusing on blending design and technology to simplify the form and elevate the function of every day things. The company achieves this through human centred product design and emphatic creative and marketing content creation for brands.

2017 — 2022

Keakie is an music streaming platform that tailors excellent DJ mixes, radio shows and podcasts to its listeners using a custom AI engine and statistics. They curate high-quality long-form audio content and recommend it to listeners using proprietary algorithms. Founded the company, and successfully raised $3 million for it.

  • Scaled the company to 16 members of staff, 1,000 DJs and 150,000 monthly active users.

  • Built the service and lead the product and engineering teams across web and app development.

  • Acquired by Optimum, owner of Defected Records at an undisclosed 7 figure valuation in early 2022.

2017 — 2017

Internship in the investment banking division. Interned in the Consumer Retail M&A Leveraged Finance teams, participating in a number of live acquisition and debt financing deals.

2016 — 2016
Mountain View, California

Shadowed Mr Abraham-Igwe – Emerging Markets Lead and Project Manager. Conducted research into wi-fi capabilities and legal restrictions as part of a project to help boost Google’s expansion into East Africa.


2022 — 2024

A unique double Master’s Programme that has been run jointly with the Royal College of Art & Imperial College London for 40 years.

2015 — 2018

Majored in Philosophy with minors in Politics and Economics. While there, wrote essays published in design blogs.