Domitille Debret

Domitille Debret

Designer in Paris and Bienne


I'm a Graphic Designer focusing on digital media, especially web platforms. I'm the co-founder of the web design studio F451. I'm working with others to ask questions, define approaches and execute solutions comprising information structures, identity & communication, user experience & interface design.

Work Experience

2019 — Now

F451 is a studio for custom-made websites specialising in design, programming and consultancy. It was founded by Quentin Creuzet and myself in 2015, after meeting during our studies, and has grown steadily since. Together, we are convinced that each content/project needs an adapted structure, so we build every website from scratch.

2021 — Now
Teaching and Educational project at Design Academy Eindhoven, FABER, Campus Fonderie de l'image ...
France, Netherlands, Romania

I’m a guest tutor and teacher, delivering talks, lessons, and workshops on digital and web culture. My workshops and classes explore creative approaches to responsive design, storytelling with URLs, the concept of caring is sharing with Apis, Ethical Guidelines for the World Wide Web...

Guest Tutor: Bachelor Studio Technogeographies, Design Academy Eindhoven, NL / Faber Timișoara, Young Matters programme, Timișoara, RO / Coding Class of Quentin Creuzet, KABK, The Hague, NL

Jury: Campus Fonderie de l’Image, Bagnolet, FR / DNSEP, ENSAD Nancy, FR / DN MADE, Digital Design, École Estienne, Paris, FR

Workshop:, EsaLe75, Design Academy Eindhoven Campus Fonderie de l'image .

Publication: École des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, FR, Campus Fonderie de l'image, FR

2020 — Now
Designer and Guest Tutor at Design Academy Eindhoven

Research, design, teaching, and project coordination within the school's communication department. This has involved teaching as a Guest Tutor for the Bachelor Technogeography department, developing websites for the school's Code of Conduct and online exhibitions, and contributing graphic design and conceptual work for the Graduation Show 2020...

2019 — Now

I'm continually developing independent research projects through writing, web experiments, and self-initiated work. My main interest lies in finding ways to deconstruct and analyse what lies behind seamless web interfaces, aiming to make the internet a bit more diverse

2021 — Now

OtherNetwork is a new type of cultural institution that connects independent art spaces worldwide. At its core are hundreds of projects that are strongly rooted in their local context, responding to the needs of artists directly. The online platform visualises many of the creative collaborations happening organically between artists, curators and cultural producers worldwide that make this possible.



Fundamentals of inclusive design (including WCAG, ARIA, screen readers ...)



I share what it means to build a project and a website from scratch—slowly and thoughtfully— against the grain of a fast-moving digital environment. It’s about process, collaboration, and finding strength in taking our time.


My essay Reflections was published in the Graduation Book 2019, Design Academy Eindhove. It explores how interface transparency shapes user experience, emphasizing the need for awareness of underlying systems in digital interactions.



In four years, we have collected 11,293 emails, 754GB of files on a hard drive, 172 invoices, and 19,962 contributions on GitHub. During our talk "Control Center," we will reflect on the traces left behind by our design and programming practice, examining these archives and files to uncover insights from specific details to broader themes.

Round Table: On Publishing at publiek> éditer et publier en pratique

Roundtable discussion on online publishing and distribution tools during the Publiek festival in Brussels.


We recorded an interview with CNAP about the research process of the last issue of Graphisme en France "Creation, tools, research”

Round Table: 'Fabriquer l’Archive' at Launch Performances Sources

F451 took part in the Performance Sources database panel presentation with Clélia Barbut and Anne Dreyfus and discussed the process of building an online archive.

User improved at KABK, Bachelor Graphic Design
The Hague

Talk about user improved environment and web tracking techniques to the Bachelor Graphic Desing of the Royal Academy of Art



OtherNetwork was awarded first prize in the Digital Product category of the Club des DA competition.

Graduation Show 2020 Catalogue, Books in Quarantine from Best Dutch Book Designs 2020

The Graduation Show 2020 Catalogue was showcased during the Best Dutch Book Designs 2020 exhibition under the category Books in Quarantine.

Award Nominee from Gijs Bakker



F451 was interviewed as part of The Whole Web Catalog, an educational initiative born from discussions about digital practices related to graphic design, organized by ENSAD (École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs), Paris (FR).


Graphisme en France "Creation, tools, research" was featured in Slanted #42—Books, focusing on experimental book design.


F451 contributed to the magazine Composite n°2 with a visual essay. Composite is an annual magazine dedicated to the tools, techniques, and technologies that cross graphic design and image practices.



The Exhibition Format Editor was on display at the exhibition Non-Extractive Architecture: On Designing without Depletion, V–A–C Zattere, as part of the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale (IT).


Ship Vs Cars was exhibited as a part of the student showcase during the Visualizing Knowledge 2018 exhibition.

