Dmytro Kondakov

Dmytro Kondakov

Frontend Engineer in Madrid next month


Who am I?
‘99 kid born in Kyiv, Ukraine, now moving to Madrid, España.

What do I love working on?
Passionate about crafting beautiful UIs with delightful interactions that users love.

What’s my expertise?
I specialize in frontend development, bringing stories to life with motion design using tools like framer-motion.

Any unique hobbies?
I love the concept of generative music, inspired by “A Year of Wreckage” by 65daysofstatic. Experimenting with tidal-cycles when I have spare time.

Work style?
I thrive in small teams where I can dive deep into design decisions and see projects through from concept to completion.

Work Experience

2023 — Now

Working closely with product and dev team, responsible for user experience and delightful product.
Contributed a lot to the launch of Decipad AI assistant beta.

2021 — 2023
  • Led product design, organised design-systems and created hi-fi code prototypes for a mobile wallet app;
  • Coordinated the creation of the company's visual style, ensured consistency across all mediums;
  • Crafted multiple vision and product decks for partners, investors and clients.
2020 — 2021
Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Led design team for mobile and web banking projects for multiple banks, overseeing all aspects of product lifecycle;
  • Collaborated with backend developer to develop for remote video identification, which was used in Forward Bank;
  • Contributed as a frontend developer in business banking system for Oschadbank.
2017 — 2020
Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Developed and launched a new corporate website;
  • Delivered design and worked on frontend for a modern ATM system;
  • Led redesign and design-system implementation of a large corporate banking system for Oschadbank.



Led product design team working on Ukrainian online banking app.

Remote Id at T18 LLC

Created a remote video identification software for a banking app in a team of two (both working on frontend and splitting on design and backend).


Did lots of frontend and design work for this corporate banking system.

Side Projects


Figma doesn't support keeping layer style when changing opacity, so designers have to keep and update color styles for different opacities.
This quickly becomes a nightmare, so we resort to hacks.

I made Lucidi to make designer's life a bit easier.


Subito is a utility note taking app focused on collaboration during meetings. Take notes with voice and summarise text into action items to get moving with your ideas quickly.


Doing some creative music coding with TidalCycles, maybe it will grow into something bigger in future.


Collaborated with a friend on a university project. Built a desktop software for signing files and hashes with standard Ukrainian encryption keys.

Link for a in-development demo.




Practical experience designing for great mobile interfaces with respect to iOS and Android guidelines.


Great insight on transitioning from just designing UI into product thinking.


Making things move with After Effects.


Essential ReactJS knowledge to kickstart my developer career.



