Deo A-Mutomb

Deo A-Mutomb

Product Designer in San Diego


I am a multidisciplinary designer with 5+ years of experience who is passionate about technologies that aim to empower and uplift people

As a designer, I'm driven by a deep empathy for users and a need to create functional solutions. I use a combination of research and intuition to put myself in the user's shoes to truly understand their pain points. By approaching problems from multiple perspectives, I'm able to bring a fresh outlook to each project, ensuring that every design decision is made with the user in mind.

With my background in Architecture and art, I bring a detail-oriented mindset to every project, ensuring every element is thoughtfully crafted. My goal is to create designs that not only look beautiful but also solve real problems and make a positive impact on the user's experience.


2016 — 2019



As the sole designer on the team, I had the unique privilege of leading the design efforts in bringing our mobile app from concept to launch. With each step of the process, I made sure that every detail was crafted with the user in mind. It was an exciting challenge, and one that I'm proud to say we conquered together. Now that our app is out in the world, I'm thrilled to see the positive impact the app is having on people and transportation in Zambia: It's now easier for people across Zambia to buy and manage their tickets. Even more, the app has been bringing more awareness to less popular parts of the country, which we believe will ultimately lead to people uncovering more of the country's hidden gems.

Beyond allowing people to buy tickets, I have also helped designer a desktop platform to help to help bus operators track their sales, formulate customer analytics and centralize their operations data which we believe will be very transformative.

Since launching in November of Last year, Tafika has accrued more than 5k downloads, and is slowly being adopted by all the major bus operators in Zambia.

I look forward to continuing to evolve and improve our product so that we help people in Zambia and perhaps central Africa move around more easily.


I am working closely with founders to design an MVP for a contest platform that will help artists get discovered. I have designed and built several prototypes that have help us gather valuable feedback that have shaped the direction of the product


I am working closely with the founders on the design of the MVP for a tool that will help people find the right size for their online clothing purchases in a intuitive way.

As the sole designer my work consists of, but not limited to wireframing, prototyping, research, and branding.

The MVP is expected to ship sometime during the summer.


I have been working closely with the founders at Healthy Kinnect, to create concepts, and design a platform that will help people hit their health & wellness goals using through community accountability.

My work involves competitive analysis, user research, wireframing and prototyping, branding, features exploration, web design, etc...

After months of tireless iterations, I'm thrilled that the startup is now accepting sign-ups for our waitlist, and that we're moving forward with the development of our MVP.

Work Experience

2022 — Now
San Diego

I have collaborated with cross-functional teams, including founders, and engineers, to explore different ideas. During my time at the startup, I have had the opportunity to work on different type of ideas and concepts ranging from Web3, Generative AI, Finance, and more

2019 — Now
Berkeley, CA (Remote)

As a collaborator, I help design, as well as make art for the organization’s various projects.

2021 — 2022
San Diego, CA

As a member of the Task team, I worked on improving the design for the task card components, Time in Status Dropdown menu, and formulas in Formula. I also conducted competitive analysis and collaborated with colleagues to develop our design system that helped us speed up our design process, make the UI more cohesive and intuitive, building the foundation for Clickup 3.0.

2020 — 2021
Berkeley, CA

I helped redesign the mobile app to make it less segmented and features easily discoverable, which led to higher retention rate and usage. I also conducted User research, created a design system, took part in marketing efforts.

2019 — 2021

My role in the organization consisted of drawing and
producing digital content as needed

2017 — 2018
Berkeley, CA

Assisted Residents with their various need, safety, and other. Receive leadership training, CPR certification, as well as other types of trainings designed to help deal with a multitude of situations that may occur in a dorm environment.

Outside of my RA duties, I also helped with graphic design work to create promotional material for the house such as event posters, pamphlets, etc...

I had the most fun working on the Harry potter event. I worked on Event posters, banners, etc...

Side Projects

Building my 2023 portfolio

This year, I am building a portfolio website centered around my journey as a designer and things that inspire me in life, etc...

With that in mind, I wanted the portfolio to embody the philosophy of "less is more" by designing a clean and elegant interface that prioritizes the user's reading experience over anything else. By minimizing distractions and putting the focus on the substance of the material, visitors can fully engage with the work presented. The emphasis is on readability and comprehension, making it easy for users to navigate and explore the content.

The website will be an example of how minimalism can be used to enhance the user experience and convey a message effectively.

Status : Currently being build with ❤️ in framer (Coming soon!)
