Frankpeter Ani

Frankpeter Ani

Product Designer in Nigeria


Fullstack Designer! ...playing huge roles in Web 3, gaming and AI.



Work Experience

2024 — Now
Ontario, Canada

Working with an amazing team - building a tool that allows both technical and non-technical people to collaborate, design, and prototype on top of a single source of truth: your codebase!

2023 — Now
Enugu, Nigeria

Led design and UX research for the product that diversifies logistics and connects riders to customer in seconds.

2023 — 2023
Mount Maunganui, New Zealand

Worked as a Solo designer for multiple projects for a client including Rollover, Walk Inn Kennels, Walker Sounds & Rome Related.

2022 — 2023
Cape Town, South Africa

Designed collaboratively for over 12 different Web3 companies. I also produced customized pitch decks, presentations, brand manuals, contributing to the acquisition of over 500+ new customers.

2022 — 2022
Nevada, USA

Partnered with the founders of Onenet to design their desktop app for gamers. This was their focus at that time to convert users.

2021 — 2022
Dubai, UAE

Worked alongside an illustrator and brand designer as the early stage designer for Cherry, including multiple projects in the Cherry network, Unigate, Cherry Labs, which were all blockchain products.

2020 — 2021
Jr. UI/UX Designer at Inspark
Enugu, Nigeria

Worked closely with the lead designer to shape the user experience of various digital products. I took the tasks of crafting wireframes and numerous prototypes for both applications and websites. I played a pivotal role in the design of over three major projects, including the redesign and optimization of our agency's website.