I use code to design and build digital interfaces. I’m currently building modelgram, a platform for sharing 3D models online.
Work Experience
I designed, built, and prototyped digital interfaces, orchestrated collaboration between design and development teams, executed performance audits to identify UX issues, and led internal initiatives exploring the applications of AI in digital design.
Clients I worked with include Halfday, Kylie Cosmetics, Dr. Idriss, and Demner Group.
I led the development of diverse web applications and e-commerce solutions using Shopify, React, and Next.js. I also worked closely with with clients and team members to take projects from initial wireframes and user flows to fully functional products.
I provided digital design, development, and other services to a wide range of clients, including Companion Studio, Paloma Wool, Same Same Studio, Office Party, Mainline:RUS/Fr.CA/DE, Blonded, and more
I worked with Erin Besler, Stefana Parascho, and a team of researchers on "Zero Waste – Making Architecture Fit Together in New Ways," a project to develop a zero-waste construction system. I headed up the design of Housemate, the web app component of the project, which helps people put the concepts of circular economy into practice through the maintenance of their own homes.
I was a co-editor of Rumor Reviews, a publication of building reviews from the Princeton University School of Architecture, from 2018 to 2020.
with Besler & Sons. Augmented reality installation, part of Model 2023, an architecture festival in Barcelona. Recipient of the Model Festival Digital Architectures Award.
Masters Thesis: Shedifi: A Digital Design Platform for Architectural Sheds