Po-Yu Chen 陳柏宇

Po-Yu Chen 陳柏宇

Software Developer in Toronto, He/Him

Loving my work!

3 years ago


Hello! I am currently studying Artificial Intelligence at the University of Toronto who is interested in computer graphics, machine learning and robotics. I like to cook, play sports (snowboarding, basketball, scuba diving, etc.) and watch movies in my free time :)

Work Experience

2024 — Now
Teaching Assistant at University of Toronto

TA for CSC108 Intro to Programming Course

2023 — 2023
Computer Science Researcher at University of British Columbia

USRA researcher under Professor Karon MacLean and SPIN lab.

2021 — 2022
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Built and/or contributed to multiple software projects, including three NLP chatbots, media dispatch system, integrated notification gnome shell extension, and various API developments.

2020 — 2022
UBC, Vancouver, Canada

Building a course registration system for UBC students using MERN Stack, REST API and automated scraper. Gained valuable experience in CI/CD and version control in a professional software development team.

2020 — 2020
Burnaby, BC, Canada

Designed and distributed a Python web-scraper that analyzes data and control machines remotely. Data analysis for iron-sensor project and various chemical experiments using SciPy, NumPy and Pandas.


2024 — Now
Masters in Applied Computing at University of Toronto

2024-25 Vector Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence Recipient

2018 — 2023
Vancouver, Canada

4x Dean’s Honour List

2x Trek Excellence Award

Outstanding International Student Award

2021 — 2021


Integrated Gnome Shell Notification System at Sony Pictures Imageworks

Established customized DBus Connection between freedesktop system daemon, JavaScript Gnome extension and python applications/notification listeners, and developed integrated Gnome notification architecture for company-wide application messages, dispatch and review tool notification protocols.


Capstone research project under Prof. Tim Salcudean and PhD candidate Alaa Eldin Abdelaal at UBC ECE Dept. Automate the motion of the camera arm in real time using probabilistic machine learning models (Gaussian Mixture Model GMM / Regression GMR) based on surgeon’s eye gaze data and da Vinci robot kinematic data. Completed software and mechanical integration of da Vinci Research Kit (C++/Python/ROS) and eye gaze tracker (C++) to collect data, train GMM, and deploy the model in both on simulation and the da Vinci robot. Established GMM training and deployment architecture in Python, optimized Expectation-Maximization algorithm, and analyzed model performance by AIC/BIC score, log likelihood, 3D plots, and deployments.

Company-Level Notification API Development at Sony Pictures Imageworks

Implemented internal stompy wrapper API for future development in company-wide Gnome notifications.

Internal Media Dispatch System at Sony Pictures Imageworks

Implemented a facility-wide Gnome Shell extension for screenshot/recording and media sharing through ActiveMQ server, written in Qt, GJS, Python, Shell Script, and CSS. Accumulated over 100 users in three weeks.

NLP Chatbot at Sony Pictures Imageworks

Developed three machine learning NLP Google Chat-bots with multi-intent detection using JavaScript, Google Cloud Services, and Python Cron job for data synchronization. Performed data analysis and data visualization on bot usage data and generated performance metrics on Google Data Studio.


Built a MERN stack web-app that tracks multiple users’ exercise records, including features such as user authentication system, detailed data analysis of records and straightforward UI/UX layout.


Implemented process concurrency, device drivers, file system, and memory management from scratch


Built a fully autonomous, PID-Controlled robot using STM32 microcontroller that includes features such as tape-following, object avoidance and self-localization using infrared emitter and Bluetooth connection. Prototyped, constructed, and integrated software, circuitry and mechanical design of the robot.

Side Projects


Trained a real-time continuous image classifier with an accuracy of 91.3% using CNN and deployed on AWS.


Built a full-stack web-scraper using Selenium and BeautifulSoup that authenticates the user’s UBC Student account, extracts data for grades and credits, and generates the user’s overall GPA.

Wiki-Mediator and Graph Database at UBC

Use the Wikimedia API to create a Wiki-Server with caching functionality that handles concurrent requests, parses and executes structured queries using socket programming and graph/searching algorithms.

Simple Virtual Computer (CPU) at UBC

Designed a Y86 CPU digital circuit by utilizing logic gates, multiplexers, latches, and flip-flops to perform like a computer with sections including 16MB RAM, Memory, Execute, Decode and Fetch.


2021 — 2024

Validation Number: P9HJMZVDFBBQQBWZ

