Carlos Saladen Vargas

Carlos Saladen Vargas

Educator, Artist, Engineer in Colombia


I’m a hybrid professional with a passion for education, art, and technology. I combine knowledge and experience from different domains to tackle complex challenges in teaching while creating novel solutions for action-oriented courses and workshops. As an advocate of innovation in higher education, I create engaging and forward-thinking learning experiences centred around arts-based approaches, emerging pedagogies and technology. I’m also interested in the potential of AI to transform and address the challenges of the future.



A series of interactive, hands-on workshops for educators. Participants gain practical insights and ponder how they can integrate AI in their teaching practices.


Through casual conversations, we unravel the fascinating tapestry that weaves together the migrant experience.

en Frecuencia is an award-winning project, recipient of the 2023 Digital Sound Podcast Creation Grant from the National Program of Incentives for Culture by Mincultura Colombia.


Musing Around with AI and Pedagogy is an introductory, appetizer course for inquisitive pedagogists who might be a little scared to dig into AI. In this FLO MicroCourse you will decide how using AI can enhance your teaching and your students' learning. It provides a practical, action-focused invitation into the maze of AI options through a guided exploration of curated AI tools. You’ll not only embark on what will likely be a game-changing adventure of personal learning, but you’ll also gain a community of curious traveling companions. For a good time, come muse with us.


Ubuntu Leaders Academy first time in Mexico thanks to UPAEP (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Puebla).

Art, Photography and NFTs

Art, Photography and NFTs is a 5-day workshop exploring the intricate relationship between traditional art, modern photography, and the innovative realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Through hands-on experiences, guided discussions, and expert insights, participants explore photography techniques, hone artistic skills, and gain a comprehensive understanding of NFT creation and its impact on the creative landscape.


Ubuntu Leaders Academy 3 month project encompassing 6 academies in different municipalities around Norte de Santander, Colombia. Funded by CENS Grupo EPM.


Business Innovation: Global and Intercultural Competence is a course module where participants explore the dynamic landscape of essential 21st-century skills and uncover the intricacies of intercultural competence, vital for navigating our interconnected world while diving into the top technology trends that are shaping the future in today's multifaceted landscape.


Rastros Comunes is a participatory and collaborative arts-based research project involving Colombian and Venezuelan professors, within the context of Bienalsur Juntos Aparte: 2nd International Meeting of Art, Thought, and Borders.


The Mental border Control is an arts-based research project developed around the concept of mental borders in Cucuta, Colombia. This border town is overrun by the exodus of refugees coming from Venezuela. Together with a team of researchers we roamed the city for 5 weeks to detect to understand the variety of mental borders between two countries.


New York

Identity of the Self is a group show of photographic work by nine artists from six countries who belong to Photo-Soup, a collaborative project that provides participating artists with an independent, unhampered and supportive platform, which enables them to disseminate their work internationally. Throughout the work there exists a discussion of identity: as defined by the artist, as defined by behavior, as defined by society. In the physical, the metaphysical, the emotional and notional realms these nine artists tear apart and rebuild identity and the
persuasive societal and personal energies which forge it.


Many artists develop their work within limitations, which often results in the artworks not aligning with their creators' own needs. Fortunately, there is photo-soup, a collaborative project originating in London that allows its members to showcase their work without the need to conform to dominant and pre-established artistic platforms.


The Bunker is a previously abandoned unidentified post-war bunker situated under Dalston in East London. The space is now being brought back to life by artists who are using The Bunker as an alternative venue for exhibiting work.



The global education landscape is rapidly changing, impacting policies and strategies for internationalization. This includes integrating foreign languages in education, from early learning to higher levels. In this interactive session, experienced educators in English as a Medium of Instruction will demonstrate using English to teach various subjects. Through engaging activities, they'll showcase effective practices from the EMI program at the University of Victoria, linking internationalization and EMI. This presentation suits both experienced and new practitioners, along with policymakers and stakeholders in EMI and internationalization.

Collaborative online international learning

The presentation discusses the implementation of innovative teaching methodologies in education by outlining a project involving collaborative online international learning (COIL) to create music videoclips. This approach encourages students from different universities and countries to collaborate on projects through technology. The project's main objectives are to improve English language skills, boost creativity, and foster collaborative skills. The presenter shares examples of student-produced videoclips, highlighting their use of various tools and techniques. The talk also addresses challenges in implementing new teaching methods and the importance of creating spaces for peer interaction and support.



As a strong pedagogical movement worldwide seeks to introduce Arts-based pedagogy, Arts-based research and Arts-integration in all areas of knowledge in order to do away with the divide between art/science and art/education, this paper contemplates whether it is possible to think of innovation in education from inefficient, non-transferable, or even unsustainable processes. We look at these methods as part of an exploration that seeks to shine a light on whether Arts-based approaches in education can generate processes that lead to pedagogical and academic innovation.

Work Experience

2022 — 2023

Teaching assistant and Education consultant for English as a medium of instruction (E.M.I.) continuing studies program at UVic

2019 — 2021

Running the International office and teaching various subjects such as: Creativity and innovation, Business case study, Social responsibility, Information literacy, Math, Information technology, Algebra, Statistics.

2009 — 2009

Championing the Leica brand and showcasing the full Leica product range by delivering expert advice on products, photography, and optics.

2007 — 2008

Responsible for delivering Jessops goals, inspirational customer service, operational compliance and exceptional store standards, being an integral part of the store team, and delivering on the needs of the business and the customer.

2004 — 2005

Leading a dynamic team in ensuring the efficient and smooth execution of production processes. Responsibilities include overseeing assembly lines, monitoring production targets, and ensuring quality standards by collaborating closely with cross-functional teams and implementing strategies to enhance productivity, optimise resources, and maintain a safe working environment.

