Cristian Nobile
Digital Designer in Bergamo
Digital Designer Freelance
Davide Ubbiali chose me to expand his online presence beyond Instagram, entrusting me with the design of his photography portfolio. The result is a minimalist site designed to enhance his works, presenting high-quality images that capture emotions from the first glance, engaging users from the very beginning.
Side Projects
I made this fake plane ticket as a style exercise to organize my friend's bachelor party.
Work Experience
A cross-curator, I follow the “Motion Power” collection and contribute to content management and sharing, supporting the development and growth of UX Antimatteria, an independent project by Alessio Cardelli. It is a platform that aims to be a reference point for all designers in Italy, collecting a wealth of useful resources including tools, articles, books and much more.
Designing the User Experience and User Interface of the home automation web app.
We support companies and environmental, economic and corporate social sustainability consultants in gathering the key information they need to prepare non-financial statements, impact reports, sustainability budgets and related tools faster, more comprehensively and more accurately. Braindustry's mission is to help SMEs face the challenges of the twin transition so that they can remain relevant in the market, participate in supply chains and have access to credit.
Design of digital experiences.
Thanks to the ITS 4.0 training project promoted by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education and Merit), I worked in a team on the development of an app in the healthcare field applying some Design Thinking methodologies.
In addition, I was involved in designing the user experience of some websites by doing User Research (benchmarking mainly) and wireframing activities.
Bootcamp in UX Design that allows you to address all the main topics of User Experience Design.