Design, Development, and Creative Direction since 2007.
Building a web-based platform for a beloved, formely Instagram-based, clothing resale community.
Launching soon! Re-built the Propeller website from the ground up with design by their amazing in-house design team. One of my favorite clients to work with.
Worked with the team at Marmoset and the fine illustrators/designers at Jolby to create a playful micro-site to celebrate some of Marmoset's milestones. Jason Sawyer led the primary styling and animation while I build the sound component – which includes an interactive music sampler with fuzz and delay effects.
A documentary film project dedicated to supporting public education. In collaboration with Justin Kemerling.
A non-profit dedicated to enhancing the cultural environment through the presentation and discussion of film as an art form. In collaboration with Justin Kemerling.
Built and maintained the website for Schmidt’s Naturals who were purchased by Unilever in 2017. Handed over to another agency in 2020 in order to focus on new projects.
Side Projects
A password generator based on the tongue-in-cheek concept that the generated passwords were "too gross to steal". Artwork by Matt Carlson of Plaid Mtn.
An anonymous, public, community Twitter account for my hometown of Omaha, Nebraska. Anybody with a 402 area code could tweet an anonymous message. Rants, jokes, show announcements, etc. — just no links.
Work Experience
Helped release 28 albums by bands I love from my hometown.