not mistaking a clear view for a short distance
Work Experience
local-first multiplayer reference manager as foundation for decentralized social network for science
crowdfunding for science
- program dendritic cells for immunotherapy at bryerslab.org
- design anthrax therapeutic for the u.s. army at bakerlab.org
- build DNA logic gates for silencing genes at seeliglab.org
- insect gall diversity in eastern washington sagebrush steppe
- feed and raise zebrafish for tuberculosis research
process podcast for robots
local-first instant-ui multiplayer reference manager
Next.js, Supabase, Cloudflare Workers, Replicache, Typescript, Tauri, Rust, TailwindCSS, ProseMirror, Vercel, Postgres, IndexedDB
summarize science abstracts for second graders using GPT-3
Flask, Python, GPT-3, Vercel
PDF reader of our dreams
Clojure, Electron
parse PDFs into editable posts
Rails, Ruby, React, Typescript, SCSS, Google Cloud, GROBID, Prosemirror
science for everyone
Rails, Ruby, React, AWS, SCSS, Postgres, Heroku
J Park, CT Wu, JD Bryers. Immunology 139 (1), 72-87
SJ Wu, CB Eiben, JH Carra, I Huang, D Zong, P Liu, CT Wu, J Nivala... Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (37), 32586-32592
exploring the origins of life through cave bacteria
served as an elected director for membership organization of 250+ chapters and 10,000 cavers
grassroots organizing app that meets voters where they are
full–tuition scholarship for a woman in science, technology, engineering, or math
play flute and violin duets for hospital patients
Side Projects
irl founder interview series
coffee shop open whenever we feel like it
"We find holes in the ground and then we...explore them. And it kind of feels like maybe what Neil Armstrong felt like when he first stepped foot on the moon."
Meet Cindy Wu, a dinosaur-loving, bug enthusiast, who prefers animals to people.
"This solution helps close the gap for potentially-promising but unfunded projects." -- Bill Gates