recording a Tut
Electronic engineer | self taught web developer, mostly working with React (Next.js) focused on the User Experience. have experience designing API with Strapijs, Fastify
Side Projects
my personal website [v2] built with Remix, motion.dev, unocss & vite
serverless on cloudflare pages & functions
My First time using vue.js "Nuxtjs" together with WP "headless Arch" to Build a Agency Webapp.
CRUD web app built with Strapi.js and Next.js inspired by the Mozilla Developer Network Express.js tutorial series
Work Experience
Using Rosen ILI tools (Inteligents pigs) to inspect pipelines for metal lose, pipeline deformations and geolocation
convert the design into high quality client side code.
communicate with the backend APIs (Laravel).
schedule, repair and install equipment and machines
Teaching about sustainable development Goals, with both English and french
[French] signaux en ingénierie des système et informatique industriel.
Signaux en Ingénierie des Système et Informatique Industrielle