Billy Tseng

Billy Tseng

Product Designer in Berkeley


Passionate about helping people do better work, and tackling ambiguous, complex, yet important issues in the world through impactful and intentional design.

Work Experience

2022 — 2022

Big Desk Benefits - Broker View

2022 — 2022
Product Design Consultant at Mastercard

Mastercard Connect - Contacts Administration

2022 — 2022
2021 — 2021
2021 — 2021

Member Features - Mobile

2020 — 2020
Contract UX Designer at Shing Yoga

CRM - Internal Tool


2023 — Now
Advisor at Berkeley Innovation

Assist in club recruiting efforts and mentoring new designers in the club.

2022 — 2023
Project Manager at Berkeley Innovation

Recruited clients and managed feedback loops with project teams


2019 — Now
Cognitive Science at University of California, Berkeley

Data Science Minor