Likes to code
Side Projects
rtodo is a basic CLI todo app that helps me learn the concepts of the Rust programming language (better). Just for fun. I like todos a lot 😁.
Work Experience
Over a period of ± 20 weeks, I’ve been working on my graduation project at Info Support. The goal of the project was to look into ways that testing in production could help developers with their DevOps process. Could it save cost? Can features be released faster?
See results at: brdv.github.io/prodtest-docs
Worked on a new management and distribution application that simplifies certain processes within the company.
Got it from raw idea to first production version.
As part of my Bachelor in Informatics (Software Engineering) at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences at Zwolle, I did a 20-week internship at Brainstud. Worked on the fulfilling the desire of Brainstud to gain more insights in their SAAS platforms. To do so, I have developed several tools among which an ETL module that migrates raw data from primary data sources to a data warehouse.
As a software engineer I worked on both the frontend as the backend. We were working on interactive web applications. My role was mainly to work on issues both front- as backend and (with the team) making sure the documentation, code quality and progress was as it needed to be.
Studied a variety of subject in the computer science field, some subjects/semesters were:
Data Science, Internships, Algorithms and Data Structures, Web Development
After obtaining my propaedeutic exam in the first year, I applied for an honours programme. This programme, Technology and Society, is an extracurricular programme of one year. In this year we got the opportunity to expand our knowledge about technology and society by looking at them through various perspectives. During this programme I have learned a lot about the role society play with the development of new technologies and vice versa, but also the role of an individual on technological developments.
Perspectives: historic, sociologic, psychologic, ethical, human resources and futurological perspective.