Brad Artziniega
Product Design in Boulder, Colorado, He/Him
Design, Product, Strategy
Work Experience
Principal product designer leading Collaboration experiences within Figma.
Defined product and design for mobile startup focused on delivering emotional well-being through interactive content designed to target specific neurotransmitters and mood shifts. Acquired in 2021.
Led initiatives and teams focused on creator and reader retention through new content channels such as newsletters and algorithmic publication weekly digests, amongst other efforts to improve and push on email products that served the majority of our content to readers.
Researched, defined, and designed mobile and desktop features, experiences, design systems, and brand components. Imagined and built novel social interactions, site-wide information architecture, micro-interactions, new-to-world content channels, content formats, lots more, and of course, icons.
Co-founder of mobile startup focused on re-thinking mobile discussions and conversations. Acquired pre-launch by Medium.
Designed and taught courses on digital interaction design, physical interaction design, and digital/physical prototyping.
Researched, designed, prototyped, and built novel mechanical medical devices and physical/digital experiences. Helped to establish the internal Digital design and prototyping group, and build new-to-world products and concepts for clients such as Mercedes, Lego, and more.
Experimental research into flapping foils and bio-mimetic inspred passive vortex control.
Side Projects
Concept, design, and engineering on an audio companion app that explores and narrates the hidden places all around you. Use it as your own personal docent on your next road trip and learn about the geology and history of the landscape.
Avid AI was a mobile-first community for the next generation of sports fans. The company applied machine learning techniques to provide its sports community with an intelligent, personalized and social experience. Sole designer responsible for brand and product from concept to acquisition. Acquired by FITE.
Specialized in fluid dynamics and biomimetic application of vortex control to a novel high-efficiency renewable energy device for harnessing energy from steady and unsteady flows.