A backend service for comprehensive analysis of presidential election results in Ghana since 2020.
Explore election results, voting trends, turnouts, and more, from national to hyper-local levels, in a single powerful portal with many analytical features and data visualizations.
The project was built with Python, Postgres, and Redis. The endpoints were developed in Python with the FastAPI framework. The Postgres database was customized and containerized with Docker with GIS geometry data and other functionalities for the entire service. Redis was used to reduce the latency involved in transferring request responses across the networks and deliver a faster and improved performance for the application.
Web App Application Interfacing software for a project that seeks to digitize locations on campuses and make them accessible to all manner of authorized personnel.
The Classroom Finder web app is a platform that allows users to search for available classrooms and make reservations in educational institutions. It includes a lot of features not excluding a synced timetable for every major along with information about your courses and interests.
A simple WebSockets service that implements a publish-subscribe model for a notification system that alerts students on current events and news from administration and social groups.
An implementation of Python's Counter module packaged and written Rust.
A backend service template for managing Events & Hosts using SQLAlchemy and generic api methods.
A minimal Link Shortener built with FastAPI, and SqlAlchemy with a Sqlite database.
Financial Inclusion in Ghana: Using Machine Learning to bank the unbanked.
An image classifier for CT scans for possible diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease.
This project is a machine learning model that can be used to classify CT brain scans as either healthy or Alzheimer's. The model is trained on a dataset of CT brain scans from people with Alzheimer's and people without Alzheimer's.
The model has an accuracy of 95% trained with TeachableMachines Transfer Learning Algorithms.
Side Projects
Learning Blender and 3D simulations
Learning Computer Graphics with OpenGL and Vulkan in Cpp.
Learning Object Oriented Programming with Cpp
Learning Verilog and VHDL for scripting digital logic design and chip logic.
Learning about Database design and experimenting with Postgres and PostgreSQL
Learning Rust with the Writing Memory Safe Applications Rust Book.
Learning low-level programming and Embedded Programming with C
Work Experience
Interned and became a member of the Ghana Chapter which houses a couple of ML engineers across the Country and beyond, who collaborate on projects to solve problems using AI and Machine Learning.
One Quantum is a supportive and authentic community platform for anyone active or interested in Quantum Tech Global no matter their background, skills, origin, gender, race, or goal with 22 local chapters, over 4,000 attendees, and over 500K virtual reach across 45+ countries since the founding.
Members are equipped with tooling platforms and are also engage with task filled sessions to help build knowledge and quantum theory and quantum computing.
Organized and led 2-hour weekly sessions for 400+ (and growing) college students that focused on exposure to programming through in-person events, study jams, and hackathons.