Ben Shih

Ben Shih

Senior Product Designer in Amsterdam, Netherlands, He/Him


As a Product Designer with a passion for creating "little magics," I bring a unique combination of design skills, workshop facilitation, and data-informed design expertise to the table.

I believe that good design is about more than just aesthetics - it's about solving problems, driving progress, and improving people's lives. That's why I'm passionate about using my design skills to help emerging startups design products that could positively impact the world.

With a background in computer science, I have the technical skills to use data analytics tools to inform my design decisions and validate my ideas. I also have extensive experience facilitating workshops to drive collaboration, generate better ideas, and move projects forward. By combining my skills in design, data, and workshop facilitation, I've led design for products such as Lokalise Messages, a translation plugin on Intercom and other platforms, and InfuseAI's machine learning platform.

Whether I'm designing a new product, facilitating a workshop, or conducting user research, I'm always focused on creating little magics and delivering a meaningful and user-friendly experience. I'm excited to connect with other professionals who share my passion for data-informed design, workshop facilitation, and innovative product development.



Lokalise is a popular tool for translating marketing materials, particularly blog posts, using content management systems like WordPress and Contentful. The redesign focuses on improving the translation process for these types of content.


Learn how we improved Lokalise Messages by creating a feedback loop for customers to report bad translations and implementing a visualized chart for admin teams to track translation quality.




In the world of design, teamwork, and collaboration play a vital role in achieving exceptional outcomes. Providing feedback is an integral part of the process, and when done effectively, it can significantly enhance team dynamics, inspire creativity, and lead to better results. This article will discuss a step-by-step framework for providing constructive feedback to your peers.

Work Experience

2024 — Now
Lead Product Designer at Lokalise


Master of Science at KTH Technology University