Benjamin Raffetseder

Benjamin Raffetseder

fullstack developer in Graz, Austria, He/him

making the first steps in vendure plugin development

2 months ago

I'm a developer/designer with 8+ years of experience in building products and appealing web experiences. I've collaborated with individuals and teams to build experiences for SMEs and large enterprises including voestalpine, Doka, and many more.

Work Experience

2023 — Now

I specialize in crafting sophisticated web applications and dynamic websites using cutting-edge technologies. Leveraging the power of Next.js, Chakra UI, Storyblok, GraphQL, and NestJS, I bring to life innovative digital solutions that seamlessly blend form and function.

2022 — 2023
Linz, Austria

Mainly working on new features and adeptly resolving issues within the esteemed "eva" platform, a cornerstone client, voestalpine. Adding value through my expertise in Angular, Typescript and TailwindCSS.

2020 — 2022
Linz, Austria

I orchestrated and executed technical decisions, seamlessly integrating innovative features into our esteemed clients' software solutions. I adeptly mentored and facilitated collaborative growth through frequent pair programming sessions with junior developers.

My collaborative synergy extended to working closely with project managers. We defined roadmaps and prioritized features. I worked on various client projects, including prominent names like ÖAMTC and Fronius, leveraging my expertise in Angular and Vue to deliver exceptional outcomes.

2017 — 2019
Linz, Austria

As a designer I was responsible for designing user interfaces based on the client's corporate identity. As a developer, I built given designs based on Drupal or WordPress.

2014 — 2017
Linz, Austria

Created marketing assets (print and digital) for the company and its partners and evaluate new marketing ideas. I shot and edited product pictures as well as portfolio items.



This website simply checks if there is the new version of Chakra UI out.


Working inside a monorepo with multiple Angular apps using shared components with Angular Material and TailwindCSS.

Using dcupl for data-fetching for high amounts of complex data.

Solar.SOS for Fronius International at mobile agreements

The Solar.SOS app is a support system for photovoltaic systems. Merchants can search for serial numbers, order replacement parts and create tickets for support.

I was responsible for the frontend using Angular. For the mobile app we used a native approach using Swift and Kotlin.

For some parts in the mobile app we used webviews from the web application.


I designed and also built parts of the web presence for their corporate website and web shop while I was working at roromedia.

For the development we used Drupal as CMS which is connected to various backend services coming from our client.

Side Projects


clipfusion is a tool that enables Twitch streamers to seamlessly merge multiple clips into a single video ready for upload on platforms like YouTube, and beyond. With user-friendly features and a sleek interface, clipfusion empowers content creators to create best-of videos with ease.

Tech Stack:

  • TypeScript

  • Next.js

  • tRPC

  • ffmpeg wasm

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Twitch API

  • nextauth

  • Prisma


Get unhinged and honest reviews of books, movies and shows.


An easy and minimalistic Android app for breathing exercises.


Markee is a simple app that wants to help you to keep track of your reading progress on your physical books. Add your books, create book-specific notes, or to keep quotes in one place. Forget your bookmarks.

