Ayush Wanjari

Ayush Wanjari

Product Designer in India

looking for open roles in product design - check my profile to know more.

2 years ago


I am Ayush, a product designer from India. A curious human thinking by ❤️designing by 🧠



A platform Inspired by letter writing like in old times
Moonflower lets you share slices of life as notes ..journals with friends and not followers .. however, accessing the notes involves a twist


A service Design Project which is designed in a manner that costs are kept at the minimal so that these don't go out of reach for common local people. At the same time, through a differential pricing policy, they could be sold at higher margins for discerning urban buyers.


all my work done during my time when I was learning product design

Side Projects


I did a design sprint project how we can push potential of devices in our hands to save life in emergency

Work Experience

2022 — 2022
UX and Visual Designer at IBM

UX and Visual at Designer at IBM 6 months internship - 2022
Joined as a designer in WKC Lineage Team

Created an enterprise software tool called Relationship Explorer with my team. It enables more efficient data analysis and informed decision-making by visualizing the relationships between data entities. It's like a complex family tree program for work information. It greatly enhances the work efficiency and decision-making abilities of professionals in fields such
as medicine, technology, automobiles and banking

• Redesigned and optimized an unusable user interface to enhance overall user experience
• Conceptualized and developed a simplified data visualization canvas, Relationship Explorer,
resulting in enhanced information scoping and streamlined visual representation
• Collaborated with designers, researchers, and software engineers to gather valuable insights and
develop a highly-usable solution
• Iterated through 4-5 rounds of prototyping and utilized IBM Carbon Design System and Elyra
Canvas to execute designs, reducing development time and costs
• Played a vital role in securing Relationship Explorer's greenlight for production, and contributed to
designing its foundation for further growth.

2019 — 2019

Product Design at Coco Works Freelance project - 2021

• Conducted thorough research on circular economy in packaging and identified brand responsibility
for packaging waste and create d a system design solution.
• Designed a comprehensive system solution for circular packaging practices, including guidelines
and recommended changes
• Secured a freelance packaging design project from Coco Works, a beverage brand in Hyderabad
• Consulted with the brand to design and implement sustainable packaging practices, contributing to
their efforts towards sustainability and environmental consciousness.


2018 — 2022
Bachelor od Product Design at Woxsen University