Programmer and problem solver with an interest in security and cryptography. I like to design simple solutions for complex problems.
Secure software enclave for storage of sensitive information in memory.
Modular proxy tunnel that encapsulates traffic within a cover protocol to circumvent censorship.
User-space data encryption utility with a focus on plausible deniability.
Web-based end-to-end encrypted multi-party chat server.
Explore widely used network traffic fingerprinting and obfuscation techniques. Introduce a modular proxy tunnel framework and evaluate it against state-of-the- art DPI engines and a nation-state adversary.
Overview of the concept of plausible deniability as a security property, exisyting software that attempts to implement it, and the design and evaluation of a new protocol.
An introduction to minimal surfaces and their relation to soap films, and some ways that they can be created.
A write-up justifying the design and implementation of the encrypted in-memory data storage system in MemGuard.
Explaining the design and development of the encrypted in-memory data storage system in MemGuard.